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We truly hope that you enjoy this article about 5 Phenomenal Sea Turtles. For various reasons, these amazing reptiles have long captured the hearts and attention of many of us. To date, only a total of 7 different species have been identified, throughout the world. As remains true of many creature, they come in a variety of size ranges and appearances. However, all are worthy of our appreciation. We hope you enjoy reading and learning about these 5 Phenomenal Sea Turtles.
Hawksbill Sea Turtle

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Hawksbill Sea Turtle Facts
- Leading off this article on 5 Phenomenal Sea Turtles is the sad story of the impressive species known as the Hawksbill Sea Turtle.
- Most notably, the graceful and gorgeous turtle is a rapidly disappearing species. Because of this, the reptile has been listed as Critically Endangered by the IUCN since 1996
- Furthermore, experts estimate that the population of this remarkable species has declined by about 80% in the last 100-135 years
- Rather unsurprisingly, its numbers first began declining precipitously due to various human activities. Firstly, this occurred due to encroachment into its nesting areas, for coastal development
- Now, however, the magnificent animal also faces threats to its continued existence from yet more sources. Most notably, these include the dire effects of both climate change and pollution, as well
- Meanwhile, however, it is now a protected species. Therefore, the intentional capture or killing of it has been outlawed. Sadly, however, it still faces the environmental-based threats.

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Hawksbill Sea Turtle Physical Description
Firstly, the amazing Hawksbill Sea Turtle displays only an extremely slight degree of sexual dimorphism. This trait, the remarkable creature happens to also share with most other related species of marine reptiles.
Additionally, an average adult specimen of this reptile individual attains a huge carapace length. In fact, this commonly equals about 3 ft (1 m). The powerful turtle also averages a weight of around 180 lb (80 kg).
Further, in general, the shell of this creature primarily displays an amber background in coloring. But, an irregular patterns of light and dark streaks also commonly appears on most individuals.
In addition, among males, the colors of the respective patterns typically display more intensely. While researchers have many theories as to the reason for this, the exact reasons have yet to be determined.
Finally, this remarkable turtle has one more astounding characteristic. It actually displays bioflourescent properties. As a result of this amazing fact, it currently remains the only known reptile with this characteristic.
- Kingdom: Animalia
- Class: Chordata
- Phylum: Reptilia
- Order: Testudines
- Family: Cheloniidae
- Genus: Eretmochelys
- Species: E. imbricata

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Hawksbill Sea Turtle Distribution, Habitat, and Ecology
Firstly, the population of the Critically Endangered Hawksbill Sea Turtle has an extremely wide distribution. Due to this, it presently exists in most temperate and tropical seas and oceans throughout the world.
Also, this remarkably fascinating species of reptile typically inhabits regions of shallow coral reef. Furthermore, given the habitat preferences of coral, this also occurs most commonly in tropical regions.
However, individuals sometimes choose to inhabit caves or ledges. But the reason for this continues to elude researchers. But, even these usually appear in the immediate vicinity of coral reefs.
In addition, sea sponges typically comprise between 70 – 95% of the diet of the typical individual. This occurs despite the animal technically being omnivorous, thus indicating a preference.
The rest of its diet commonly includes various types of algae, sea anemones, jellyfish, and cnidarians. But, many of these species also remain quite poisonous to most creatures. It, however, evolved a natural immunity.
Finally, due to the fact that many of the creatures it consumes carries toxins, it has yet one more unique trait. Due to its diet, its own flesh quite often takes on a certain level of toxicity.
Olive Ridley Sea Turtle

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Olive Ridley Sea Turtle Facts
- Placing next among our listing of 5 Phenomenal Sea Turtles comes the Olive Ridley Sea Turtle, which stands out for a specific reason
- The term actually serves as the common name for the rather amazing Lepidochelys olivacea. Although somewhat lengthy, the common name nevertheless remains descriptive.
- In addition, this fascinating sea creature forms the smallest of all known related species. However, and rather thankfully, it also represents the most highly abundant of them all
- Along with one of its relatives, this reptile also remains best known for one specific habit. This occurs due to its amazing trait of engaging in nesting in mass numbers on the same beach.
- Despite its great numbers, the IUCN currently lists this animal as Vulnerable. This listing occurs due to the growing concerns over several factors. These include climate change, given the fragile nature of its nesting locations.

CCL: https://bit.ly/1p2b8Ke
Olive Ridley Sea Turtle Physical Description
The comparatively small sea Turtle attains an average length of about 2 ft (61 cm). The species also displays a slight degree of sexual dimorphism. However, it does not appear in the usual manner.
Firstly, the overall weight and length of both genders remain roughly equal, in most cases. But, the female of the species typically develops a slightly more rounded carapace than that of the male.
Further, mature individuals average about 101 lb (46 kg) in weight. Even exceptional individuals rarely exceed a weight of 110 lb (50 kg). Yet the tiny hatchlings average a mere 0.05 lb (20 grams).
Finally, in color, adults of this rather remarkable species most commonly display a combination of various shades of olive green.
- Kingdom: Animalia
- Phylum: Chordata
- Class: Reptilia
- Order: Testudines
- Family: Chelodiinae
- Genus: Lepidochelys
- Species: L. olivacea

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Olive Ridley Sea Turtle Distribution, Habitat, and Ecology
The tiny yet impressive Olive Ridley Sea Turtle possesses a rather wide area of distribution. It inhabits the temperate and tropical waters of both the Pacific and Indian Oceans. It appears to be especially common near Australia.
While it also inhabits areas of open ocean, the majority of individuals prefer to inhabit comparatively shallow regions within 9.3 mi (15 km) of land. Specific habitats, however, change during its life cycle.
Although the animal will occasionally feed on algae when other food remains scarce, the species evolved as predominantly carnivorous.
Its typical prey consists of various invertebrates, such as sea urchins, shrimp. crabs, and jellyfish. Surprisingly, cannibalistic behavior sometimes occurs when other food becomes scarce.
Other than some sharks and orcas, adults have relatively few natural predators.
Kemps Ridley Sea Turtle

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Kemps Ridley Sea Turtle Facts
- The third of our 5 Phenomenal Sea Turtles is the gorgeous, but now extremely rare, species known as the Kemps Ridley Sea Turtle.
- The somewhat lengthy term serves as the name for a rather magnificent creature. Quite sadly, however, it is also one of the most endangered sea turtles in all the world.
- This holds true due to the fact that perhaps fewer than 1,000 breeding females still exist. For this reason, among others, the IUCN has justifiably listed this reptile as Critically Endangered.
- It also bears the name of Richard M. Kemp who was the naturalist to first identify the species, in 1880. Further, it ranks as one of the smallest of its kind we know of as well as the smallest within its endemic range.
- The magnificent species is also now under legal protection in all parts of its natural range. However, unfortunately, it also still faces threats to its existence beyond those of the natural predators.
- These, of course, include accidental trapping in fishing nets, and other commercial practices. But, it also includes human disturbance of nesting grounds, both accidentally, and by egg collectors.
Kemps Ridley Sea Turtle Physical Description
Most notably, the carapace of the amazing Kemps Ridley Sea Turtle has a rather rounded shape. It also has an average diameter of about 24 in (61 cm). In addition, its maximum known weight is about 100 lb (45 kg).
Among adults, the upper carapace appears a mottled gray and green combination in color. The underside typically presents a pale yellow. Yet, the newly hatched young, extraordinarily, are predominantly a deep purple.
Further, the four flippers develop as quite powerful, making it an extremely fast swimmer, even among related species. Finally, no appreciable degree of sexual dimorphism appears to be present in the species.
- Kingdom: Animalia
- Phylum: Chordata:
- Class: Reptilia
- Order: Testudines
- Family: Cheloniidae
- Genus: Lepidochelys
- Species: L. kempii

Kemps Ridley Sea Turtle Distribution, Habitat, and Ecology
Firstly, the awesome Kemps Ridley Sea Turtle primarily inhabits the Gulf of Mexico. Among similar marine species, this is a rather small range. However, individuals have also reached as far north as Nova Scotia.
Within that range, it solely inhabits the neritic zone where it prefers areas close to shore, with depths of 160 ft (49 m) or less. This creature often inhabits regions of red mangrove, as well.
Additionally, most adult individuals primarily feed on snails, shrimp, and spider crabs. Its natural predators (aside from humans) include foxes, raccoons, weasels, and dogs, obviously, while onshore.
It also remains rather highly migratory by nature as well. This turtle also displays a highly specialized breeding behavior, for which it is rather popular. More than 95% of all breeding females migrate to one beach, in Tamaulipas, Mexico (the one they were hatched on) to lay their eggs….all together.
Green Sea Turtle

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Green Sea Turtle Facts
- Next in this compendium of 5 Phenomenal Sea Turtles comes one with a truly remarkable evolutionary adaptation, the Green Sea Turtle.
- You would think that the animal has a green shell and body, right? But, despite the quite common assumption, that’s not the reason for it. The real reason for its name is rather far more colorful.
- The actual source of the term, however, is quite amazing in itself. Under the carapace of this gorgeous ocean-dwelling creature sits a layer of body fat that is actually green in color.
- The amazing animal also exists throughout the tropical and subtropical waters of the world. The species migrates enormous distances between where it lives and feed, and its breeding grounds.
- Further, females often swim thousands of miles to breed. Following that, they then have to struggle onto beaches, and dig nests to lay their eggs. During this time, they remain highly vulnerable.
- Though it now constitutes a protected species, the species still remains endangered, primarily due to habitat loss.

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Green Sea Turtle Physical Description
Most notably, the color patterns of the carapace of the Green Sea Turtle actually change over time. Newborns primarily appear dark in color. As these age, they slowly turn to olive and then mottled green in color (much like the hair of humans turning gray).
The reptile also averages about 5 ft (1.5 m) in length and weighs an average of roughly 420 lb (190 kg). Meanwhile, however, exceptional individuals have reached weights of nearly twice this.
Its body is generally flattened in shape, the snout remains short, and the beak develops unhooked. The limbs grow understandably paddle-shaped, and quite powerful, making it a strong swimmer.
- Kingdom: Animalia
- Phylum: Chordata
- Class: Reptilia
- Order: Testudines
- Family: Cheloniidae
- Genus: Chelonia
- Species: C. mydas

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Green Sea Turtle Distribution, Habitat, and Ecology
As juveniles, the Green Sea Turtle is primarily carnivorous. Yet, the adults are principally herbivorous, feeding on a variety of algae and kelp. Talk about mellowing with age.
The turtle actually inhabits different types of habitat during different stages of its life. For example, the young typically spend their first 5 years in pelagic waters, rarely being seen. Mature individuals prefer to inhabit lagoons, inshore bays, and shoals with seagrass meadows.
The only natural predators of adults appear to be large sharks and humans (no surprise on that one). The young, however, are often easy prey for shorebirds, marine mammals, and even crabs.

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Green Sea Turtle Threats and Conservation
Despite its protected status, the Green Sea Turtle remains under threat in some parts of the world. These threats include illegal hunting and egg harvesting.
Additionally, it also faces unintentional threats, which present an even greater danger to their continued existence. These include strikes by boats, trawler nets, and habitat loss.
In recent years, chemical pollution of the ocean has also led to a significant increase in the presence of tumors among individuals studied in random monitoring.
The IUCN lists the remarkable species as Endangered and continues to stress that, while efforts to protect the species are in effect, the need for more extensive efforts grows greater every year.
Loggerhead Sea Turtle
Loggerhead Sea Turtle Facts
- The final, but certainly not least, of these 5 Phenomenal Sea Turtles is the amazing Loggerhead Sea Turtle. It will amaze you.
- Most notably, the magnificent marine reptile remains the largest hard-shelled turtle. Further, only the Leatherback, which lacks a hard shell, exceeds it in terms of sheer size.
- For the moment, the IUCN currently lists the impressive species as Vulnerable. Quite unfortunately, the amazing reptile faces now serious threats to its continued existence, however
- Its greatest threats include climate change and disturbance of nesting habitats. Fortunately, most population groups now have protection under the law, due to the Endangered Species Act of 1973
- Once, it was hunted extensively, both for its own meat, and its eggs, as well. Fortunately, however, various legislation has succeeded in greatly reducing this practice in most parts of its range.

CCL: https://bit.ly/1p2b8Ke
Loggerhead Sea Turtle Physical Description
Firstly, the remarkable Loggerhead Sea Turtle remains a physically impressive specimen. It does display a small degree of sexual dimorphism, however. But, this appears only in adults, with males having longer tails and claws.
Therefore, both genders attain an average carapace length of between 28 – 37 in (70 – 95 cm). In addition, an average weight for this mighty reptile equals roughly 298 lb (135 kg). Yet, exceptional specimens can exceed 440 lb (200 kg) in weight.
But, its color scheme can vary significantly between individuals. Typically, however, the upper shell ranges in color from patchy reddish-brown to yellow-orange. Meanwhile, the lower shell usually shows a very pale yellow.
- Kingdom: Animalia
- Phylum: Chordata
- Class: Reptilia
- Order: Testudines
- Family: Cheloniidae
- Genus: Caretta
- Species: C. caretta
Loggerhead Sea Turtle Distribution, Habitat, and Ecology
First of all, the stunning Loggerhead Sea Turtle has a truly cosmopolitan distribution. That’s because it inhabits the Mediterranean Sea, and the Pacific, Indian, and Atlantic Oceans. Further, this is the greatest range of any sea turtle.
In addition, it typically lives in either shallow coastal waters or the open ocean areas. In fact, it rarely comes onto land. The exception to this would be when females seek sites for nesting and laying eggs.
In its eating habits, it also feeds as an omnivore. Further, mature adults typically consume invertebrates dwelling on the ocean floor. This most commonly includes gastropods and bivalves. Yet, it will occasionally consume other prey.
Finally, once it reaches adulthood, it itself has very few natural predators. The few it does have, however, include large marine predators, such as sharks. But, the young fall prey to many creatures, both on land and in the water.

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We greatly hope that you have enjoyed this article on 5 Phenomenal Sea Turtles. These represent some of the most amazing reptiles on earth. Each is the end result of millions of years of evolution. Therefore, each is perfectly suited for its role in its respective habitat. But, the actions of man, both directly and indirectly, threaten them all. It is up to us to take steps to prevent their extinction, and help to redress the balance of Nature that we have disturbed.
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