We hope that you enjoy reading this article about 4 Scintillatingly Shaded Snakes as much as we enjoyed creating it for you, our readers. Obviously, the few example listed here represent only a tiny handful of the different species of snake found throughtout the world.
It’s our hope, however, that reading and learning about these few will spark a desire in you to learn more. Often misunderstood, these marvels of Nature and evolution serve vital roles in their local ecosystems. As such, they fully deserve our appreciation and respect.
California red-sided garter snake
California red-sided garter snake Facts
- Leading off this article about 4 Scintillatingly Shaded Snakes is the brilliantly hued reptile informatively named the California red-sided garter snake.
- This dazzling work of Nature and evolution bears the long-winded common term that it does for excellent reasons. Sadly, however, its scientific name isn’t any easier to pronounce. That’s because researchers know it as the Thamnophis sirtalis infernalis.
- By either name, though, it’s a beautiful variety of reptile. It also represents a subspecies of the common garter snake. This marvel of evolution further forms one of three currently recognized subpsecies of the parent species found in its specific part of world.
- The colorful snake received its formal name due to the work of the renowned French zoologist and anatomist, Henri Marie Ducrotay de Blainville. This respected researcher gave the snake its first formal recognition as a distinct species in the year 1835.
- Presently, the IUCN does not have any listing for the species on the organization’s Red List of Threatened Species. The country in which its habitat range lies, however, does have a listing for it. In that country, the unique creature lists as Endangered.
- That’s partly due to the fact that the population of the California red-sided garter snake appears to be diminishing. Other factors also contribute to its status, though. That’s because the dual threats of habitat loss and climate change also now endanger it.
California red-sided garter snake Physical Description
Though the fabulous Californis red-sided garter snake fully merits appreciation, it doesn’t do so based on sheer physical size. That’s because it only ranks as an average-sized variety of garter snake. But it easily makes up for that in its very impressive visual appeal.
Like the other red-sided garter snakes known to science, it also shows a marked degree of the physiological trait of sexual dimorphism. In its case, though, this manifests in terms of pure physical size. Due to this trait, females average about 30% larger than males.
Overall, adults attain widely varied lengths, which isn’t unknown among snakes. In the instance of this specific reptile, this typically measures from 18 – 55 in (46 – 140 cm). The overall average, however, only equals roughly 36 in (96 cm). In fact, some remain smaller.
Interestingly, the head of the snake remains small. In point of fact, the head barely measures wider than the body itself. The eyes, meanwhile, attain a larger than average size, when compared to other garter snake varieties. This provides it with a distinct appearance.
It’s the coloring of the California red-sided garter snake that stand out the most, however. The generalbackgroun appears as a black to dark olive in color. It has a wide dorsal stripe, with a bluish to yellowish color. Somewhat blurred stripes also appear along the sides.
The bright red bars, however, manifested along the sides of the animal garner the most notice, serving as the source of the name. The head of the snake, meanwhile, appears as either orangish or red. The underside, though, appears a blue-gray, with dark patterns.
- Kingdom: Animalia
- Phylum: Chordata
- Class: Reptilia
- Order: Squamata
- Family: Colubridae
- Genus: Thamnophis
- Species: T. sirtalis
- Subspecies: T. s. infernalis
California red-sided garter snake Distribution, Habitat, and Ecology
The marvelous California red-sided garter snake possesses and extremely limited and restricted zone of habitation. Research further indicates that its range never extended beyond the approximate area it occupies now. It also shares that range with a related species.
More precisely, as the name itself implies, the reptile evolved as native to a specific part of the world. That’s the state of California, in the United States. Even there, though, its population concentrations seem to remain widely scattered across several parts of the state.
Fortunately, though, throughout this precise portion of North America, the animal appears to be highly versatile in its habitat requirements. In fact, it appears in a wide range of ecosystems. This provides it with a distinct advantage over less versatile species, of course.
Specifically, the beautiful reptile typically makes its home in regions including grasslands, forests, mixed woodlands, and chaparral. In these areas, it most frequently makes its home either beside or at least in the general vicintiy of streams, marshes, or ponds.
The California red-sided garter snake conducts most of its activity during periods of daylight. It’s also an excellent swimmers. This, in fact, leads to one of its chief means of defense. If threatened, the generally peaceful snake retreats into the water when possible.
Its bite is harmless to most humans. Generally, it only bites if handled directly. When this occurs, it typically results in no more than mild discomfort at the site of the bite itself. Its prey consists of a wide variety of small creatures, such as frogs, fish, and worms.
Rainbow Snake
Rainbow Snake Facts
- Appearing next in this compilation of 4 Scintillatingly Shaded Snakes, the aptly-named Rainbow Snake does so only due to random selection.
- The descriptive term for the animal serves as the most frequently used common name for this visually stunning reptile. The name also suits the creature perfectly. Its other common name, the eel moccasin, remains much less colorfully descriptive.
- Its scientific name, meanwhile, is somewhat difficult to pronounce. That’s because it bears the cumbersome appellation of Farancia erytrogramma. This tongue-twisting name further derives from the ancient Greek word of erythros, meaning red.
- The first official recognition of the animal as a separate and distinct species, however, did not occur until much later. In fact, it wasn’t until 1802. This took place as a direct result of the work of the renowned French naturalist, Palisot de Beauvois.
- Previously, scientists also recognized a total of two separate subspecies of the marvelous snake. Sadly, however, researchers later declared one of those as extinct. The Farancia erytrogramma, therefore, now represents the sole example of the species.
- Quite fortunately for those who appreciate its beauty, the population of the Rainbow Snake appears to be both stable and sufficient. This further holds true throughout the entirety of its natural range. The IUCN, therefore, currently lists it as Least Concern.
- It nevertheless does face some potential threats. In this it reflects the current state of environmental factors around the world. Habitat loss due to human encroachment threatens it, of course. Its greatest threat, though, comes from climate change.
Rainbow Snake Physical Description
The Rainbow Snake impresses those encounter it in several ways. The first of those occurs due to its sheer physical size. That’s due to the fact that this particular reptile attains a moderately great length. It also displays a moderate degree of the trait of sexual dimorphism.
In this specific species, the trait manifests itself in regards to gender size. More specifically, though, this results in females reaching greater average lengths than that of the males. The overall size difference, however, remains comparatively minor in most specimens.
Overall, the gorgeous Rainbow Snake reaches as an impressive average length. In point of fact, this length typically equals between roughly 36 – 48 in (91 – 122 cm). Exceptional individuals, however, sometimes grow to recorded lengths of as much as 66 in (168 cm).
Its most striking feature, though, remains its physical appearance. This, in fact, results in the common name. That’s because it displays an incredible pattern of colors. Most display a glossy bluish-black hue, on smooth scales. It further possesses three bright red stripes.
Mature adults, however, occasionally display a pattern of pale yellowish coloring. This most frequently appears on the head and along the sides of the beautiful animal. It also has a relatively short tail, tipped with a spiny tip, often used to probe its surroundings.
Though its beauty isn’t the only amazing characteristic of this reptile, it certainly merits appreciation for it. Without doubt, it easily earns its spot among our choices for this article about 4 Scintillatingly Shaded Snakes. One look makes that clear to all who encounter it.
- Kingdom: Animalia
- Phylum: Chordata
- Class: Reptilia
- Order: Squamata
- Family: Colubridae
- Genus: Farancia
- Species: F. erytrogramma
Rainbow Snake Distribution, Habitat, and Ecology
Most unfortunately, the dazzling Rainbow Snake presently only inhabits a comparatively small section of the globe. It also currently remains unknown to researchers if the magnificent, and often misunderstood, animal ever possessed a more extensive range.
Regardless of the unknowns, its current zone of habitation remains restricted to a small portion of North America. In point of fact, this consists of a tiny section of the United States. More precisely, it appears in an area that runs along the east and southeast portion.
There, the remarkable reptile lives in a total of 8 of the southern states. These consist of Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, and Louisiana. Even there, though, it only inhabits the regions closer to the coast.
The breathtakingly colored Rainbow Snake also evolved as a primarily aquatic creature in nature. As a result, the fascinating animal has decidedly specific habitat preferences. Individuals therefore most commonly appear in areas that reflect that specific characteristic.
Specimens most often live in regions that include swamps, slow-moving bodies of water, such as small creeks and streams. It does, however, also appear in areas of open marsh. These environments appear in areas of deciduous forests, mountains, and sandy sections.
The principally nocturnal Rainbow Snake evolved as a skilled swimmer, catching most of their prey in the water. After catching that prey, however, it holds it in its mouth until reaching land. Once there, it swallows it whole. Many species prey on it in return, though.
Boomslang Facts
- Our third entry into this compendium of 4 Scintillatingly Shaded Snakes is the remarkable species known to many simply as the Bomslang.
- The somewhat distinctive term applied to the animal serves as the common name for a particularly impressive species of dangerous reptile. The remarkably impressive animal also goes by the scientific name of the Dispholidus typus, however.
- Whichever name one uses to refer to it, though, this truly amazing reptile constitutes a relatively large variety of highly venomous snake, in the family Colubridae. Currently, it also represents the only known extant member of its genus.
- In Afrikaans, the name boomslang means tree snake. This astonishing reptile remains reclusive and shy in temperament, and would not attack unless truly under threat. It also prefers thorny bushes which make it extremely hard to catch.
- Since it is non-aggressive, the only problems arise when people, especially children, try to catch or kill it. For the moment, at least, the population numbers of the amazing Boomslang further appear to be both sufficient, and relatively stable.
- This holds true throughout the entirety of its native range. The IUCN therefore currently lists it as Least Concern. This status appears on the organization’s Red List. It must nonetheless be considered to be at some risk, due to climate change.
Boomslang Physical Description
The magnificent Boomslang also remains a highly respectable snake due to sheer physical size. And that’s in addition to its many other attributes. This holds true given the fact that mature adults of the species attain a length of as much as 6 ft (183 cm).
But, mature adults most commonly average slightly less than that. Not only that, the eyes of this particular snake develop as comparatively large. In point of fact, these develop as so large that they actually make up a good proportion of the head.
In addition to this, the fascinating Boomslang, shares a characteristic with many related creatures. It also displays a mild degree of the physiological trait of sexual dimorphism. In its case, however, this trait manifests itself in the coloring of the genders.
The male of the species typically displays a light green with black scale edges while the females usually appear light brown in color. The fangs of the incredible snake also grow longer than most arboreal snakes and are larger in the back of the mouth.
- Kingdom: Animalia
- Phylum: Chordata
- Class: Reptilia
- Order: Squamata
- Family: Colubridae
- Genus: Dispholidus
- Species: D. typus
Boomslang Distribution, Habitat, and Ecology
The fascinating animal known simply as the Boomslang evolved as endemic to a moderately restricted portion of the world. But, the general area remains renowned for teeming with wildlife. It evolved as native to a certain, and surprising, area of the continent of Africa.
This highly dangerous species evolved to inhabit a particularly harsh section of the region, that of the sub-Saharan portions of the continent. In nature, though, it represents an oviparous animal, frequently producing as many as 30 eggs with each mating.
These the amazing reptile typically places in tree trunks or rotting logs. A usual incubation period is on average three months. This rather fascinating moderate-sized variety of snake primarily feeds on prey such as small mammals, reptiles, and birds.
This particular deceptively dangerous species further evolved as diurnal in nature and remains almost entirely arboreal today. The venom of the Boomslang is also extremely potent. It qualifies as a hemotoxin, creating potentially lethal internal bleeding.
It also makes the victim bleed from its gums, nose and all orifices until it dies. Respiratory arrest and cerebral hemorrhage are rather common results after a bite. The venom also acts slowly, easily up to five days, often causing victims to dangerously delay treatment.
King Cobra

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King Cobra Facts
- Closing out this listing of 4 Scintillatingly Shaded Snakes comes the highly renowned, as well as highly misunderstood, reptile known as the King Cobra.
- The truly impressive reptile remains best known for one outstanding fact. That’s the amazing statistic that it ranks as the longest known species of venomous snake known to man. Despite its great length, however, it remains rather surprisingly light.
- The common name of this reptile creates a great deal of confusion, however, being quite deceptive. That’s because, regardless of its other impressive attributes, it does not qualify as a true cobra. True cobras have decidedly different attributes.
- It nevertheless remains owrthy of respect. In point of fact, this remarkable animal actually forms the sole member of its own genus. No other known species even come close to its physical qualities. This fact alone also makes the snake of particular interest.
- This fascinating snake also remains worthy of being considered extremely dangerous to humans if provoked. This status holds true due to a combination of two factors. Those are the toxicity of its venom, and the sheer quantity of venom produced.
- For the moment, the IUCN lists the amazing King Cobra as Vulnerable. That status is reflected on the organizations’s Red List. Habitat loss forms a grave peril, given its region, of course. It also faces the threat of climate change, like other species.
King Cobra Physical Description
Quite remarkably, the beautiful but deadly King Cobra averages about 13 ft (4 m) in length. Exceptional individuals, however, sometimes attain a length of a much as 18.5 ft (5.6 m). Both measurements far outdistance any other known venomous snakes, though.
Despite its great length, however, the extremely dangerous snake remains a relative lightweight reptile. Surprisingly, this reptile typically averages no more than 13 lb (6 kg) in weight. In point of fact, the heaviest King Cobra on record only weighed 26 lb (12 kg.).
In color, the fabulous reptile also typically presents either one of several distinct color patterns. This trait further separates it from most related creatures. These patterns include either an olive-green, tan or black, with yellow bands crossing the body along its length.
- Kingdom: Animalia
- Phylum: Chordata
- Class: Reptilia
- Order: Squamata
- Family: Elapidae
- Genus: Ophiophagus
- Species: O. hannah
King Cobra Distribution, Habitat, and Ecology
The mighty King Cobra evolved as endemic to the forest regions of Southeast Asia. This quite impressive range includes India, Indonesia, and the Philippines. Within that range, individual specimens typically prefer to inhabit rather dense highland forests.
The fabulous creature also primarily preys on other snakes. However, most individuals will also consume small invertebrates. The King Cobra remains classified as diurnal, and primarily hunts during the day. During the night, it remains concealed, unless disturbed.
Despite its exaggerated reputation, this reptile isn’t typically aggressive unless provoked. When this happens, though, it will raise as much as one-third of its body length into the air. Subsequent to that, it will also flatten its head in preparation to strike.
This species also remains capable of delivering multiple envenomings in a single encounter. This further makes the incredible King Cobra stand out, since many, although certainly not all, other poisonous snakes lack this ability to repeatedly poison its victims.
In addition to its other unique attributes, it represents the only known snake that builds nests for its eggs. These it builds using dry leaves and twigs. One mating produces anywhere from 7-43 eggs. Those that survive to adulthood live an average of about 20 years.
4 Scintillatingly Shaded Snakes
We sincerely hope that you have thoroughly enjoyed reading and learning from this article about 4 Scintillatingly Shaded Snakes. We also hope that doing so has engendered in you a desire to learn more about these often maligned and misunderstood marvels of Nature.
Lamentably, many of their related species now find themselves facing dire threats to their continued existence. For many, mankind himself remains accountable for their predicament, either directly or indirectly. It’s up to us to do all that we can to protect and preserve them.
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