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Weedy Seadragon

Weedy Seadragon, Phyllopteryx taeniolatus
Source: Photo: Chris Smith CCL:

Weedy Seadragon Facts

Source: Photo: John Turnbull CCL:

Weedy Seadragon Physical Description

The astounding Weedy Seadragon typically immediately catches the eye of anyone fortunate enough to encounter one. The amazing animal generally does so due to more to its distinctive appearance, though. That’s true since it’s not an overly large variety of fish.

Despite its unique form, however, it does follow one physical trait common to most animal species. That’s in the fact that it displays a certain degree of the physiological characteristic known as sexual dimorphism. But in its case, this manifests in both color and shape.

As a general principle, mature individuals of both sexes attain the same approximate body length. Large examples sometimes measure 18 in (45 cm) long. Few manage to attain quite this length, though. Variations occur wholly regardless of gender, however.

One way in which the sexes distinguish themselves regards the design of the body structure. Males of the species tend to develop slimmer shapes than their female counterparts. Though they display the same basic color pattern, they usually show darker shades of each.

The Weedy Seadragon commonly presents different color patterns in shallow water than it does at greater depths. In deeper water, these typically consist of burgundy-red hues. Yet, in shallower areas, it more frequently shows reddish-orange with spots and bars.

The animal is also known for its unusual appendages. These consist of numerous leaf-like structures protruding from tail, body, and head. Several of their fins also evolved as transparent in nature. Bony plates and long, sharp, bony spines also appear on the body.

Source: Photo: Sonse CCL:

Weedy Seadragon Distribution, Habitat, and Ecology

Sadly, the fascinating Weedy Seadragon apparently evolved as native to relatively small expanse of the marine regions of the globe. The precise location of that zone of habitation rarely surprises anyone, though. That’s because it’s native to waters off of Australia.

That precise placement creates a unique situation, however. That’s due to the fact that its territory technically qualifies as covering parts of the southwest Pacific Ocean, the Southern Ocean, and the eastern Indian Ocean. All that despite its range being small!

This occurs because all three happen to merge in the general area off shore of the continent. Within this area, the marvel of evolution developed extremely precise requirements regarding its choice of habitat. This trait significantly reduces its potential habitat range.

The animal only lives in regions in extremely close proximity to the coastline. There, the species is present at depths from the shoreline to no more than 160 ft (50 m). It also prefers clumps of seaweed, seagrass meadows, seaweed beds, and sometimes rocky reefs.

Like its cousin, the seahorse, the Weedy Seadragon evolved as a slow-moving creature. It’s also most commonly seen either alone or in pairs. It feeds as a carnivore, with its primary food consisting of either zooplankton or various types of extremely small crustaceans.

Subsequent to mating, the females lay roughly 120 eggs into a pouch, located under tail of the male. He then carries them, generally for around one month. Most young require roughly 28 months to reach maturity, and an average lifespan equals approximately 6 years.

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