Black Witch Moth Facts This visually stunning Lepidoptera remains best known by the common name of the Black Witch Moth. In other languages, though, it’s typically known by such other terms as La Sorcière Noire, in French, and Mariposa de la Muerte, in Spanish. Its official scientific name, however, remains that of the tongue-twisting Ascalapha odorata. […]
Sweat Bee
Sweat Bee Facts Firstly, the highly distinctive term Sweat Bee serves as the collective common name for an incredibly large Family of bees. In point of fact, this Family, with the scientific name of Halictidae, actually forms the second-largest group placed within the Order of Hymenoptera. Furthermore, the enormous grouping holds approximately 1,000 recognized species. […]
California Blue Dorid
California Blue Dorid Facts Perhaps most notably, the informative term of California Blue Dorid serves as the common name for a particularly lovely form of marine slug. However, it also bears the difficult to pronounce scientific name of the Felimare californiensis. While the names we use to speak of it may change, though, one fact […]
Painted Desert
Painted Desert Facts Related Articles Painted Desert Geology The local Native American tribes take strict, but laudable precautions. These include carefully restricting access to the stunning Painted Desert. This the local population does to protect both its natural beauty, as well as the safety of the tourists themselves. Thankfully, the traditions of these Indigenous Peoples […]
Arizona Meteor Crater
The Arizona Meteor Crater represents an impact crater created by a large meteor strike ages ago. It remains considered by many to be the best-preserved meteor crater known to man. It sits roughly 37 mi (60 km) east of Flagstaff, Arizona, situated in the desert regions of the state of Arizona, United States, in North […]
Yosemite Cave Pseudoscorpion
Yosemite Cave Pseudoscorpion Facts What a terrifying creature the newly discovered Yosemite Cave Pseudoscorpion appears to be. Yet despite its fierce appearance, the invertebrate remains harmless to humans. Firstly, that occurs because the arachnid stays quite diminutive in size. In fact, it ranks as one of the smallest of all the roughly 3,000 known species […]
Pine Lily
Pine Lily Facts Related Articles Pine Lily Physical Description Perhaps most notably, the truly gorgeous Pine Lily constitutes a physically impressive type of flora. It also accomplishes this for more reasons than just its beauty. In this it clearly displays its relationship to the many other remarkabale varieties of lilies around the world. That’s due […]
Maine Desert
Maine Desert Facts Related Articles Maine Desert Physical Description For all the controversy surrounding the Maine Desert, several key facts stand out when one considers it. Firstly, regardless of its origins, it covers a tiny area. Secondly, however, a debate over whether or not it’s actually a desert remains ongoing among concerned scientists. As a […]
Green Lynx Spider
Green Lynx Spider Facts Most notably, the Green Lynx Spider is a fascinating species for several reasons. That’s because it displays two traits rare among spiders. Also, one of those must make other spiders green with envy. Firstly, the female actually has the ability to change its normal coloring. Why only the female can remain […]
Mariana Trench
Mariana Trench Facts Related Articles Mariana Trench Geology The Mariana Trench also forms part of the Izu Bonin-Mariana Arc convergent boundary system. This forms the boundary layer between two tectonic plates. Here, the western edge of the Pacific Plate has been subducted beneath the smaller Mariana Plate. This downward thrust of the earth’s crust is […]