We sincerely hope that you greatly enjoy this article about 4 Refreshingly Remarkable Rivers. Each body of water in the world’s different form the rest in some way, of course. The four features listed here, however, take that principle to far greater heights than most of them. Each of them will, we believe, grab your […]
Madagascar’s Astounding Inhabitants
Madagascar’s Astounding Inhabitants continue to surprise and amaze us all with the tenacity and sheer variety of life in this rather amazing location. Furthermore, many of the different and incredible species found here exist endemically nowhere else on the planet. We sincerely hope you enjoy the information you find herein, and that it engenders an […]
7 Bizarre and Unusual Birds
7 Bizarre and Unusual Birds Birds continue to remain among the most abundant and often the most incredible creatures in the world. They can be found virtually everywhere in the world, including some of the most inhospitable environments. Here, we have selected our choices for 7 Bizarre and Unusual Birds. We hope that you […]
Cano Cristales
Cano Cristales Facts Related Articles Cano Cristales Physical Description Leading off the wonders of the gorgeous site, much of the riverbed of Cano Cristales formed covered with rocks composed of quartzite. These rocks, understandably, for those with a knowledge of geology, form the source of the four colors present in the river year round. The […]
Rainbow Eucalyptus
Rainbow Eucalyptus Facts Related Species Rainbow Eucalyptus Physical Description Arguably the most distinctive feature of the Rainbow Eucalyptus remains the gorgeous, multi-hued bark. This effect happens in stages. First, a vertical shedding of the bark occurs. Second, this process also occurs in random patches. The new bark actually appears rather green at first. The colors change […]
Silvery Lutung
Silvery Lutung Facts Related Articles Source: http://bit.ly/2ScWj9k Photo: Peter Gronemann CCL: http://bit.ly/2xQPH8p Silvery Lutung Physical Description Most notably, the Silvery Lutung ranks as an average-sized monkey. However, its general physique develops as quite slim, compared to similar animals. But, it does possess a comparatively long tail. Additionally, the awesome simian does display a slight degree […]
Bullet Ant
Bullet Ant Facts Related Articles Bullet Ant Physical Description The powerful Bullet Ant ranks as a rather large variety of ant, like many of its related species. Workers also average around 0.7-1.3 in (18–30 mm) in length. In appearance, these comparatively small, yet extremely powerful, invertebrates strongly resemble reddish-black, wingless wasps, with its coloring. It also […]
Ulysses Butterfly
Ulysses Butterfly Facts Ulysses Butterfly Description The rather gorgeous Ulysses Butterfly remains a large butterfly with a typical wingspan of about 5.5 in (14 cm). The upper sides of the large wings display a bright, iridescent blue in color. Also, the underside generally shows a brown or black shade. Also, its brilliant color is produced […]
Ornithoptera Chimaera
The Ornithoptera Chimaera is an insect that has no common name. This beautiful butterfly lists as a member of the birdwing family and was first identified in 1906. The discovery was made by the renowned Walter Rothschild (who, ironically, was a zoologist). The IUCN has only listed this Lepidoptera as Near Threatened due to insufficient information […]