We certainly hope that you enjoy and appreciate this article about Astounding Lizards of the World. Obviously, we cannot include all known species of lizard in this one compendium. That’s because science currently recognizes a total of 4,675 separate species of lizard. Herein we have included a scant handful, but we feel them to be […]
8 Truly Monumental Orchids
We truly hope that you enjoy this article on 8 Truly Monumental Orchids. This particular family holds some of the most magnificent flowers on earth. However, these come in an astonishing variety of colors, sizes, and even shapes, as you will discover. Naturally, of course, the species we list here comprise only the tiniest handful […]
7 Fabulous South American Plants
We truly hope that you enjoy this article on 7 Fabulous South American Plants. To be certain, wonderful plants appear in virtually every part of the globe. But, this region just seems to have more than its fair share. The climate and conditions just appear to lend themselves to producing the most incredible, and impressive, […]
Turbinicarpus alonsoi
Turbinicarpus alonsoi Facts Related Articles Turbinicarpus alonsoi Physical Description It must be pointed out that the marvelous Turbinicarpus alonsoi does not distinguish itself based on size. In fact, it ranks as a small specimen. Furthermore, unlike some related species, this comparatively tiny plant evolved a highly flattened spherical shape. Plus, the rounded stem of the […]
Northern Elephant Seal
Northern Elephant Seal Facts Related Articles Northern Elephant Seal Physical Description Firstly, the truly enormous Northern Elephant Seal displays a significant degree of sexual dimorphism. As a result the males typically attain a much larger size than the females. In fact, males can be as much as 2-3 times the size of the females. That […]
Giant Mesquite Bug
Giant Mesquite Bug Facts Related Articles Giant Mesquite Bug Physical Description Most notably, the adults of the Giant Mesquite Bug appear much less colorful than do the nymphs. But, while the young appear far more colorful, the adults, quite obviously, grow much larger in size. Further, the fully grown individuals attain an average body length […]
4 Genuinely Gorgeous Grasshoppers
We sincerely hope that you enjoy this article about 4 Genuinely Gorgeous Grasshoppers. Given that many thousands of varieties of this remarkable insect exist, these represent just the tiniest handful. The various species exist on every continent of the world, except Antarctica. Some people appreciate them, while others revile them. Regardless, it must be remembered […]
Sensational Spiders Around the World
We hope that you enjoy this article on Sensational Spiders around the World. Arachnids such as these have held the fascination of mankind throughout the ages. For some they represents objects of intense interest, yet for others they form the stuff of nightmares. But, in the end, they are simply products of evolution, as are […]
Black Sea Hare
Black Sea Hare Facts Related Articles Black Sea Hare Physical Description Most notably, the fabulous variety of sea slug known as the Black Sea Hare remains a truly impressive physical specimen of its kind. That’s true because of the fact that this stunning creature ranks as a true giant, at least compared to species sharing […]
4 Fantastically Fascinating Fungi
These 4 Fantastically Fascinating Fungi may cause many to reevaluate their opinions of this often overlooked form of life. Fungi often have an undeserved image in the minds of many, as feeders on death. It is true that most function as the principal decomposers in their particular ecosystem. But, this is an often overlooked, and […]