7 Stunning North American Lepidoptera Few people would dispute the opinion that the Order of Lepidoptera (butterflies and moths) contains some of the most incredibly beautiful invertebrates in the world. They are also among the most widespread of all insects. Various species live throughout virtually all temperate and tropical portions of the Earth. It remains […]
Clouded Sulphur Butterfly
The Clouded Sulphur Butterfly looks like a little bundle of yellow cotton, doesn’t it? But they also have a dark secret. This little Beauty also seems to be a bit of a Beast. You see, this species actually displays the extremely unusual trait of cannibalism among the freshly hatched larvae. This delicately beautiful little creature […]
Mitchell’s Satyr Butterfly
Mitchell’s Satyr Butterfly Facts Mitchell’s Satyr Butterfly Physical Characteristics The rather gorgeous Mitchell’s Satyr Butterfly ranks as a moderate-sized variety of butterfly. This species possesses an average wingspan of roughly 1.75 in (4.45 cm). The coloring predominantly includes a light brown. A distinctive series of eyespots also appears in the lower regions of both sets […]
Plume Moth
Plume Moth Facts Plume Moth Physical Description The various species of Plume Moth vary rather widely in exact appearance, yet similarities do remain. Each member species has a wingspan ranging from 0.25-2 in (6-50 mm). The forewings typically consist of two slightly curved spars. These present numerous rough bristles. The hindwings of the Plume Moth […]
Question Mark Butterfly
Question Mark Butterfly Facts Related Articles Question Mark Butterfly Physical Description Entomologists consider the distinctively marked Question Mark Butterfly to be a rather moderately large species. One of the most noteworthy facts about this insect remains what it does not possess. Unlike most butterflies or moths, it does not display sexual dimorphism. Both genders attain […]
Cabbage White Butterfly
Cabbage White Butterfly Facts Cabbage White Butterfly Physical Description The rather astonishing Cabbage White Butterfly bears an almost identical appearance to its close relative, the Pieris brassicae, known simply as the Large White. The only visual difference between the two is the size. The wingspan of this tiny yet lovely invertebrate averages roughly 2 in (5 […]
Dakota Skipper
Dakota Skipper Facts Dakota Skipper Physical Description Like many related species, the Dakota Skipper displays a slight degree of sexual dimorphism. Females average slightly larger than the males. For that reason, an average wingspan measures roughly 0.55 in (1.4 cm) in the more diminutive males, and slightly more in females. The Dakota Skipper has relatively […]
Karner Blue Butterfly
Karner Blue Butterfly Facts Karner Blue Butterfly Physical Description Among the Karner Blue Butterfly, males and females possess rather distinctly different appearances. Yet both possess wingspans of roughly 1 in (2.5 cm). The upper side of the wings of the male is typically dark blue or a silvery blue, and black margins frame the whole […]
Ornithoptera Chimaera
The Ornithoptera Chimaera is an insect that has no common name. This beautiful butterfly lists as a member of the birdwing family and was first identified in 1906. The discovery was made by the renowned Walter Rothschild (who, ironically, was a zoologist). The IUCN has only listed this Lepidoptera as Near Threatened due to insufficient information […]
Bombax Facts Related Articles Bombax Physical Description The various varieties of Bombax also comprise some of the largest tree species within their respective ranges. Some species attain rather great heights, sometimes as much as 131 ft (40 m). Consequently, the trunks of some varieties may have a diameter in excess of ten ft (3 m). The […]