We hope that you enjoy this article about Earth’s Many Magnificent Bees. To be certain, these few represent only the tiniest portion of the more than 16,000 known species of bee. Nevertheless, we hope that these few serve to whet your appetite to learn more. These wonderful insects have been around for a long time, […]
4 Fabulous Snakes of Asia
We sincerely hope that you enjoy this article about 4 Fabulous Snakes of Asia. This part of the world has a rich and diverse collection of species, including snakes. Herein, we have assembled information about 4 species in particular, for your edification. Naturally, these represents only the smallest fraction of the many hundreds of species […]
Astounding Lizards of the World
We certainly hope that you enjoy and appreciate this article about Astounding Lizards of the World. Obviously, we cannot include all known species of lizard in this one compendium. That’s because science currently recognizes a total of 4,675 separate species of lizard. Herein we have included a scant handful, but we feel them to be […]
Earth’s Many Mesmerizing Cephalopods
We sincerely hope that you thoroughly enjoy this article about Earth’s Many Mesmerizing Cephalopods. The many types, both squids and octopuses, represent some of the most amazing and fascinating creatures in the world. The adaptability and intelligence they display frequently astounds those researchers studying them. Here, you will find a small selection of the more […]
5 Fabulous Deer Varieties
Herein we present to you our listing of 5 Fabulous Deer Varieties. At the moment, experts recognize 43 separate species of this amazing animal. They inhabit every continent except Antarctica and Australia. In addition, many species have been introduced into regions outside of their native range, often intentionally. But wherever man encounters them, the various […]
6 Incredible Asian Islands
Herein, we have for you our list of 6 Incredible Asian Islands. We sincerely hope that you enjoy reading it as much as we did writing it. An estimated 100,000+ islands dot the earth. The 155 largest have a combined total land area roughly equal to that of Europe. Yet they come in all varieties […]
Breathtaking Asian Species
We hope that you enjoy reading this article on Breathtaking Asian Species. We certainly enjoyed creating it. Every corner of the globe boasts marvelous and incredible forms of life. So here, we will break it down to a select few from this particular region only. All life in this world is important, as well as […]
Javan Rusa
Javan Rusa Facts Related Articles Javan Rusa Physical Description Most notably, the beautiful Javan Rusa displays a quite noticeable degree of sexual dimorphism, just as virtually all related species do. Males attain a rather significantly larger size than females, averaging a head-to-body length of about 6.1 ft (1.86 m), compared to 4.7 ft (1.44 m) […]
Irrawaddy Dolphin
Irrawaddy Dolphin Facts Related Species Irrawaddy Dolphin Physical Description Unlike many mammals, the truly remarkable Irrawaddy Dolphin displays no noticeable signs of sexual dimorphism. This fact further makes it one of the few cetaceans for which this holds true. Furthermore, the marvelous mammal remains relatively small compared to other species of dolphin. That’s because this […]
5 Completely Unique Volcanoes
Here, we present to you our choice of 5 Completely Unique Volcanoes. That is saying a lot, given the sheer number of volcanoes in the world. These marvels of geology have fascinated…and often terrified…mankind throughout the ages. Yet, like anything else, not all formed exactly like the others. A few stand out from the others […]