Red Rock Crab Facts Related Articles Red Rock Crab Physical Description This particular species bearing the label of Red Rock Crab immediately draws the eye and catches the full attention of those who encounter it. Though its previously mentioned behaviors fully merit attention, it’s the physical aspects of the animal that stand out. In this […]
3 Incredibly Intriguing Iguanas
We hope that each of you, our readers, will enjoy and appreciate this article we present about these 3 Incredibly Intriguing Iguanas. It was certainly our great pleasure to compile the information for you. May it provide you with both education and increased awareness. These few species listed herein represent only a portion of the […]
5 Incredible South American Islands
We hope that you enjoy this article about 5 Incredible South American Islands. Most people probably do not associate South America with islands, but they do exist, as this article attempts to show. Though their landscapes differ, all present magnificent beauty to the world. Some of them, however, remain vulnerable to the depredations of man. […]
Astounding Lizards of the World
We certainly hope that you enjoy and appreciate this article about Astounding Lizards of the World. Obviously, we cannot include all known species of lizard in this one compendium. That’s because science currently recognizes a total of 4,675 separate species of lizard. Herein we have included a scant handful, but we feel them to be […]
5 Amazing Galapagos Islands Species
We sincerely hope that you enjoy this article about 5 Amazing Galapagos Species. This stunning location remains one of the most remarkable spots in all the world. Many of the creatures indigenous to these islands exist nowhere else on earth. The uniqueness and distinctiveness of the forms of life here have made this a center […]
10 Extraordinary Reptiles
10 Extraordinary Reptiles Our wonderful world hosts an astonishing array of life, such as these 10 Extraordinary Reptiles. These remarkable creatures come in all shapes, sizes, and colors. They also live in virtually all parts of the globe. Some find them fascinating, while others fear them. Regardless of what one may think of them, however, […]
Marine Iguana
Source: Public Domain Image Marine Iguana Facts Related Articles Marine Iguana Physical Description The fabulous Marine Iguana evolved a form that almost instantly amazes those who encounter the animal. Unlike some reptiles, however, it does so due to a combination of several factors. These include overall general appearance, as well as sheer physical size. […]
Lichen Katydid
Lichen Katydid Facts Lichen Katydid Physical Description The remarkable Lichen Katydid carries the principle of camouflage further than any other known species of katydid. Further, its body primarily displays varying shades of green in color. Also, all portions of the body possess spindly protrusions. These aid in creating the appearance of the lichen it inhabits […]
Blue Footed Booby
Blue Footed Booby Facts Related Articles Blue Footed Booby Physical Description The intriguingly-named Blue Footed Booby never seems to fail to grab the attention of those who encounter it. The reason for that clearly stands out, of course, in its remarkably-hued feet. Yet, Nature also blessed it with its own appeal in other numerous ways, […]
Galapagos Islands
Galapagos Islands Facts Related Articles Galapagos Islands Physical Description Perhaps most notably, the astonishing Galapagos Islands actually include an extensive array of sites. That’s because it consists of a grand total of 18 primary islands, 3 smaller ones, and 107 rocks and islets. This provides a vast array of wonders for the visitor to behold. […]