It’s our hope that you will greatly enjoy reading this article about 5 Remarkably Riveting Rays as much as we enjoyed creating it for you. We also fervently hope that it instills in you a desire to learn more aabout these magnificent creatures of the oceans of the world Obviously, these few listed here constitute […]
4 Fabulous Marine Shrimp
We sincerely hope that you enjoy and appreciate this article about 4 Fabulous Marine Shrimp. These incredible creatures often go overlooked amid the teeming numbers of species in the oceans of the world. But they deserve their share of notice and appreciation. These 4 Fabulous Marine Shrimp, of course, represent only a few of the […]
4 Stunning Marine Eels
We sincerely hope that you thoroughly enjoy this article about 4 Stunning Marine Eels. Truth be told, many of these incredibly amazing creatures remain a source of fear among many humans who venture into their element, even today. While it’s true that some of them can be dangerous, the same holds true for any creature, […]
Christmas Island
Christmas Island Facts Related Articles Christmas Island Physical Description Regardless of its distinctiveness, Christmas Island nevertheless is a physically small location. The highly irregularly shaped island only has a total area of roughly 52 sq mi (135 sq km). Its unique shape covers an impressive total of 86.3 mi (138.9 km) of coastline. The entire […]
6 Incredible Asian Islands
Herein, we have for you our list of 6 Incredible Asian Islands. We sincerely hope that you enjoy reading it as much as we did writing it. An estimated 100,000+ islands dot the earth. The 155 largest have a combined total land area roughly equal to that of Europe. Yet they come in all varieties […]
Atlantic Trumpetfish
Atlantic Trumpetfish Facts Related Articles Atlantic Trumpetfish Physical Description Firstly, the Atlantic Trumpetfish possesses a rather highly elongated body shape. Further, the snout develops even more elongated. It also ends in a small, trumpet-like (the source of the common name) mouth. Amazingly, the species also remains capable of changing its colors at will. As a […]
Bobbit Worm
Bobbit Worm Facts Related Articles Bobbit Worm Physical Description First of all, the astonishing Bobbit Worm represents an extremely large species of aquatic worm. Individuals typically attain an average length of roughly 39 in (1 m). But, individual specimens of the species occasionally grow to lengths of as much as 10 ft (3 m). In […]
Koh Samui
Source: Photo: celebrityabc CCL: Koh Samui Facts Related Articles Koh Samui Geology and Geography The island possesses a total area of roughly 89 sq mi (229 sq km). More than sixty other, much smaller islands surround it. Together they comprise the Angthong Marine National Park. The outer regions of the island are dotted with […]
Longspine Squirrelfish
Longspine Squirrelfish Facts Related Articles Longspine Squirrelfish Physical Description Most notably, the Longspine Squirrelfish remains an often brilliantly colored species of ocean fish. Individual color patterns also vary. But, these typically consist of orange to gold stripes on a background of silvery red. Furthermore, its eyes develop as comparatively large. However, this appears to be […]
Dragon Moray Eel
Dragon Moray Eel Facts Related Articles Dragon Moray Eel Physical Description Dragon Moray Eel Distribution, Habitat, and Ecology To begin with, the brilliantly colored Dragon Moray Eel primarily inhabits the Indo-Pacific region. This also includes a range from Hawaii to Japan. Within that area, it primarily inhabits regions of coral reefs and rock formations on […]