Long Eared Owl Facts Related Articles Long Eared Owl Physical Description Not surprisingly, the beautiful Long Eared Owl merits attention for other factors than merely its size. That holds true because the animal develops as an owl of only medium-to-large physical size. Generally, it does display a moderate of the trait of sexual dimorphism. Individuals […]
Abronia macrocarpa
Abronia macrocarpa Facts First of all, the Abronia macrocarpa remains a very rare and endangered type of flowering plant. Unfortunately, however, this species also has an extremely small natural territory remaining. Furthermore, experts did not identify the plant until 1972. The primary reason for this was the simple fact of its scarcity and distribution. Amazingly, […]
Blue Footed Booby
Blue Footed Booby Facts Related Articles Blue Footed Booby Physical Description The intriguingly-named Blue Footed Booby never seems to fail to grab the attention of those who encounter it. The reason for that clearly stands out, of course, in its remarkably-hued feet. Yet, Nature also blessed it with its own appeal in other numerous ways, […]
Hydnora africana
Hydnora africana Facts Related Articles Hydnora africana Physical Description The startling Hydnora africana rarely fails to capture the attention and interest of those individuals who encounter it. Yet, it typically does so for a combination of factors that distinguish it from most other plants. These include its unique growth pattern and its extremely unpleasant aroma. The […]
Spanish Dancer
Spanish Dancer Facts The truly visually stunning Spanish Dancer ranks as a comparatively large and brilliantly colored species of beautiful nudibranch. The remarkable creature also goes by the tongue-twisting scientific name of the Hexabranchus sanguineus. The distinctive swirling motion that the fascinating animal uses to swim serves as the source of the vividly descriptive common […]
Sea Pig
Sea Pig Facts First of all, the term Sea Pig serves as the common name for any of the three species of Echinoderms classified in the genus Scotoplanes. Quite understandably, the surprisingly strong resemblance to a type of small pig serves as the source of the attention-grabbing common name. However, not all member species in […]
Honduran White Bat
Honduran White Bat Facts First of all, the term of Honduran White Bat serves as one of the common names of a highly unique species of bat. The other, somewhat longer, accepted common name for this astonishing species is the Caribbean white tent-making bat. However, Ectophylla alba serves as the shorter, more pronounceable scientific name […]
Araripe Manakin
Araripe Manakin Facts Related Articles Araripe Manakin Physical Description Although the magnificent Araripe Manakin truly does impress those fortunate enough to encounter it, the animal does not do so due to size. That’s due to the fact that, in this way , in fact, the marvel of Nature only ranks as an average sized member […]
Sarcastic Fringehead
Sarcastic Fringehead Facts Perhaps most notably, the uniquely-named Sarcastic Fringehead remains one of the most extraordinary species of fish in the world. This surprising statement holds true for several reasons that might surprise you. Firstly, the animal evolved as an extremely aggressive creature. However, this characteristic predominantly shows itself in terms of territorial behavior. Secondly, […]
Hines Emerald Dragonfly
Hines Emerald Dragonfly Facts The highly descriptive term of the Hines Emerald Dragonfly serves as the common name for a particularly lovely variety of arthropod. Though somewhat lengthy, this nevertheless remains easier to pronounce than its scientific name. This statement holds true since that term remains that of the relatively tongue-twisting Somatochlora hineana. Which name […]