We sincerely hope that you will enjoy this article about 5 Incredible South American Trees. These wonders of Nature truly form an integral part of the worlds’ ecosystems, to be certain. But, like every other form of life on the planet, these come in seemingly endless varieties. Many parts of the globe host numerous species […]
Chilean Dolphin
Chilean Dolphin Facts Related Articles Chilean Dolphin Physical Description The gorgeous Chilean Dolphin perfectly personifies the principle that beauty comes in all shapes and sizes. That’s because one of the most notable facts about the gorgeous animal remains its sheer physical size. That’s because this beautiful cetacean ranks as one of the smallest of all […]
5 Incredible South American Islands
We hope that you enjoy this article about 5 Incredible South American Islands. Most people probably do not associate South America with islands, but they do exist, as this article attempts to show. Though their landscapes differ, all present magnificent beauty to the world. Some of them, however, remain vulnerable to the depredations of man. […]
Sapphire Tower
Sapphire Tower Facts Related Articles Sapphire Tower Physical Description Unquestionably, the breathtaking Sapphire Tower truly stands out from most related species. It also stands up, given that it has a strongly vertical shape. The gorgeous succulent attains a maximum height of roughly 5 ft (1.52 m). However, most specimens in the wild average about 3 […]
Incredible Sharks of the World
We hope that you enjoy reading and learning from this article on the Incredible Sharks of the World. These magnificent creatures have fascinated, and often terrified, mankind throughout history. Yet, just as with all creatures, no two species are exactly alike. These animals often play pivotal roles in their habitats, thus making them a vital […]
Tierra del Fuego
Tierra del Fuego Facts Related Articles Tierra del Fuego Physical Description This amazing archipelago of Tierra del Fuego principally consists of the one large island. This individual ilse typically goes by the same name as the archipelago. The stunning primary island itself is often simply referred to as either Tierra del Fuego or Isla Grande. […]
5 Incredibly Wonderful Trees
5 Incredibly Wonderful Trees Like the stunning sentinels of Nature, trees stand guard over the various landscapes they appear on. They provide a refuge for many species of insects and various animals alike. They also provide food, both for the wild animals of the world and we humans as well. In addition, they are a […]
Source: https://bit.ly/2PD5srK Photo: Alexandre Buisse CCL: https://bit.ly/1p2b8Ke Viscacha Facts Related Articles Viscacha Habitat Physical Description The rather adorable Viscacha ranks as a comparatively large rodent, weighing an average of 6.6 lb (3 kg). However, larger individuals have been spotted in the wild. Naturally, appearances also vary between the four distinct species. Yet, similarities remain. In addition, individual coloring typically […]
Chinchilla Facts Related Articles Source: https://bit.ly/2Aboamx Photo: Darekp CCL: https://bit.ly/1p2b8Ke Chinchilla Physical Description Chinchilla is a genus comprised of two separate species. While physical differences exist, of course, they remain rather small. The mammal is also actually closely related to porcupines and guinea pigs. An adult typically has a body length of between 9-15 in […]
Kodkod Facts Related Articles Kodkod Physical Description The captivating Kodkod rarely fails to do exactly that with those who encounter it, namely captivating them. The animal generally does so, though, due more to its appearance than sheer physical size. That’s true since, compared to most other wild cats, it’s actually quite diminutive. Like many of […]