Cougar Facts Related Articles Cougar Physical Description Unlike some species, the breathtaking Cougar actually impresses us with its size, in addition to other factors. The animal also, however, displays the physiological characteristic of sexual dimorphism. In this, in fact, it mirrors virtually all know types of feline, wild and domestic. In its specific case, though, […]
Prince Edward Island
Prince Edward Island Facts The breathtakingly beautiful location known as Prince Edward Island ranks as a geological marvel. This occurs due to its sheer natural beauty. But it also remains renowned for its lush agricultural land, as well as its great swathes of pastoral land. The truly magnificent island further stands out for another reason. […]
Spotted Lake
Spotted Lake Facts The most noteworthy thing about Spotted Lake lies in the form of spots that form on its surface. In fact, these highly distinctive formations appear on a very regular basis. The features appear each summer as the water within the lake slowly evaporates. But, that’s not its only claim to fame. This […]
Grizzly Bear
Grizzly Bear Facts Perhaps most notably, the powerful and majestic Grizzly Bear actually represents a subspecies of brown bear. At one time there a total of five separate recognized species of Grizzly Bear existed. Each of these, furthermore, had their distinct range. Previously, two other subspecies of this magnificent creature existed in North America alone. […]
Niagara Falls
Niagara Falls serves as the name collectively given to three magnificent waterfalls straddling the border between the United States and Canada, in North America. They also mark the southern end of Niagara Gorge. The three waterfalls that comprise Niagara Falls are the American Falls, the Horseshoe Falls, and the Bridal Veil Falls. The American Falls and the […]
Question Mark Butterfly
Question Mark Butterfly Facts Importantly, the Question Mark Butterfly remains one of the lesser-known Lepidoptera in its endemic range. Yet its distinct characteristics make it easily recognizable. It also ranks as one of the largest butterfly species within their range. That endemic range covers a large portion of North America, and individuals often travel extensively […]
5 Rare Mind-Blowing Cloud Types
For thousands of years, mankind has gazed skyward with a mixture of awe and wonder at the beauty and variety of clouds such as these 5 Rare Mind-blowing Cloud Types. Yet, only in the last few centuries have we begun to understand the complex interaction of forces which forms and shapes clouds. It was not […]
North Pacific Giant Octopus
North Pacific Giant Octopus Facts Most notably, the North Pacific Giant Octopus merits its name. That’s because its size makes it the largest known species of octopus. In addition, no other octopus species even comes close to rivaling it in size. The body of this incredible ocean species also displays extreme compactibility. As a result, […]
Oak Treehopper
Oak Treehopper Facts The single term of Oak Treehopper actually represents the accepted common name of either of two separate, specific varieties of Treehopper. The complex scientific names of these two species are Platycotis vittata and Platycotis quadrivittata. Regardless of which particular term one uses to refer to them, these remain fascinating invertebrates. Furthermore, despite […]
Sweat Bee
Sweat Bee Facts Firstly, the highly distinctive term Sweat Bee serves as the collective common name for an incredibly large Family of bees. In point of fact, this Family, with the scientific name of Halictidae, actually forms the second-largest group placed within the Order of Hymenoptera. Furthermore, the enormous grouping holds approximately 1,000 recognized species. […]