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6 Startling Evolutionary Adaptations

Draco Volans

Draco Volans

6 Startling Evolutionary Adaptations
Source: Photo: Biophilia curiosus

6 Startling Evolutionary Adaptations 

Nature takes paths beyond our ability to count in its never ceasing efforts at evolution. Some succeed…while some do not. However, from time to time we encounter the results of one of these paths that differs significantly from the majority. When we do, they sometimes terrify us, occasionally enthrall us, but most commonly they fascinate us. Here, in this article, we present to you our choice of 6 Startling Evolutionary Adaptations.

The list is by means all-inclusive, as any such list is by its very nature entirely subjective. Furthermore, these selections account for only a tiny fraction of species that would qualify for inclusion on the list, in the minds of many. If you have thoughts about a given species that you think would qualify, please let us know.

Turritopsis Nutricula

Source: Photo: muzina_shanghai

Turritopsis Nutricula Facts

Source: Photo: muzina_shanghai

Turritopsis Nutricula Physical Description

Despite its incredible nature, the Turritopsis Nutricula stays small in size, averaging only 0.18 inches (4.5 mm) across its bell-shaped body.

The adult of the species has between 80-90 short tentacles. These the individual will typically use both for hunting and protection.

This species is what science calls a colonial life-form. The bodies actually consist of numerous tiny, highly specialized individual creatures.

These individual creatures have bonded together to form a composite entity. These individual component forms are literally incapable of living apart from the whole.

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Cnidaria

Class: Hydrozoa

Order: Anthoathecata

Family: Oceaniidae

Genus: Turritopsis

Species: T. nutricula

Source: Photo: muzina_shanghai

Turritopsis Nutricula Immortality

The utterly unique in human experience Turritopsis Nutricula possesses within its tiny body one absolutely incredible characteristic. 

It is the only known living creature that remains essentially immortal, in terms of lifespan. Of course, most get eaten eventually.

After the individual lives as an adult for an (apparently random) period of time, the (heretofore thought to be impossible) transformation occurs. This process is known as transdifferentiation. Initiated by a still unknown internally generated trigger, an incredible transformation takes place within the body of the Turritopsis Nutricula.

Every one of the composite creatures physically reverts back to their polyp stage. In essence; each physically reverts to infancy once again.

At this point, the Turritopsis Nutricula begins its life cycle again, essentially as a newborn. Studies of this remarkable creature are still in their early stages.

However, all indications are that this process can continue indefinitely. This effectively renders the creature essentially immortal.


Source: Public Domain Image

Pangolin Facts

Source: Public Domain Image

Pangolin Physical Description

Due to its distinctive appearance, the Pangolin remains easily recognizable.

The scales covering its body grow large, and composed of keratin. Each scale also possesses a sharp edge, further increasing the protection they provide. These protect the Pangolin from would-be predators since the animal curls into a tight ball when threatened.

The various species range in length from 12-39 in (30-100 cm). An average weight is approximately 4.4 lb (2 kg). Sexual dimorphism is present, with males averaging 50% larger than females. The legs grow short, giving it a low-slung form. It also possesses a thin tongue which they can extend as much as 16 in (40 cm).

The claws are relatively long and quite powerful. In addition to its armor, it has a second defense mechanism. When threatened, it can release a noxious-smelling chemical from glands near the base of its tail.

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Class: Mammalia

Order: Pholid0ta

Family: Manidae

Source: Public Domain Image

Pangolin Distribution, Habitat, and Ecology

The Pangolin evolved as endemic to parts of both Asia and Africa. It inhabits either grasslands or forests within that range.

The majority of the different species live as nocturnal, yet one appears active by day. It typically makes its homes in either hollow trees or deep burrows. These burrows may be as much as 11 ft (3.5 m) deep.

Its diet consists mainly of termites and ants, which it locates with its keen sense of smell. These it extracts with its specially adapted tongues.

This extraordinary creature typically walks on all four legs, yet remains capable of walking on its rear legs only for a short time. It also seems to be an excellent swimmer.

This animal lives a primarily solitary life, usually meeting only to mate. A typical litter contains 1-3 offspring.

Doll’s Eye

Source: Photo: Michael Lusk

Doll’s Eye Facts

Source: Photo: Bird Eye

Doll’s Eye Physical Characteristics and Habitat

The Doll’s Eye developed as a herbaceous perennial species generally growing in coarse soil or even clay. It also thrives in the densest sections of forests.

Typical individuals of this remarkable small species also measure 24 in (61 cm) in height and the width averages around 36 in (91 cm).

The leaves generally appear rather broad, being almost as wide as they are long. The flowers develop small and white in color. These rarely grow to more than 0.2 in (5 m) in length.  

It is the berries that give the plant its uniquely distinctive appearance.

Kingdom: Plantae

Phylum: Angiosperms

Class: Eudicots

Order: Ranunculales

Family: Ranunculaceae

Genus: Actaea

Species: A. pachypoda

Source: Photo: Distant Hill Gardens

Doll’s Eye Distribution, Habitat, and Ecology

The Doll’s Eye appears mainly in the southern portions of the United States, usually in rather dense forests. It also seems to prefer the indirect light typical of such settings.

It is also a moderately toxic plant. The entire plant is poisonous to humans. Birds, however, appear to be immune to the toxins. Many species of native birds actually thrive on the plant.

The greatest concentration of toxin is contained within the unique looking berries. These slowly ripen during the summer, growing steadily more toxic.

The toxins of the Doll’s Eye are cardiogenic in nature. The chemicals they contain have an almost immediate sedating effect upon the muscles of the human heart. If consumed in sufficient quantity, the effect can be fatal.

Somersaulting Spider

Source: Photo: Ingo Rechenberg

Somersaulting Spider Facts

Source: Photo: Ingo Rechenberg

Somersaulting Spider Physical Description

The fascinating, and agile, Somersaulting Spider represents a medium-sized species of a huntsman spider. Though mildly venomous, it poses no known threat to humans.

The species does not display any noticeable degree of sexual dimorphism.

Both genders average about 2 in (5 cm) in total leg span. In coloring, the Somersaulting Spider displays white with black markings.

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Arthropoda

Class: Arachnida

Order: Araneae

Family: Sparassidae

Genus: Cebrennus

Species: C. rechenbergi

Source: Photo: Ingo Rechenberg

Somersaulting Spider Distribution, Habitat, and Ecology

The Somersaulting Spider only seems to exist in the southeastern regions of Morocco, close to the border with Algeria.

Due to its rather reclusive nature, it remains possible that individuals also exist elsewhere in the region. The arachnid inhabits the sand dunes of the Erg Chebbi Desert.

The Somersaulting Spider evolved as a nocturnal species. It appears to feed primarily on moths, which it catches prior to sunrise.

During the day, it resides in vertical towers individuals construct with a combination of sand and silk. The spider is thus protected from the heat of the desert during the day.

When it employs its rather unique method of locomotion to escape threats such as predators, it is capable of moving as rapidly as 6.5 ft (2 m) per second.

However, this activity uses so much of its energy that if it is forced to use it too many times per day the individual does not survive.

Spider Tailed Viper

Source: Photo: Omid Mozaffari         Public Domain Image

Spider Tailed Viper Facts

Source: Photo: Omid Mozaffari
Public Domain Image

Spider Tailed Viper Physical Description

The physical size of the Spider Tailed Viper resembles other related species. Adults average between 16-28 in (40 – 70 cm) in length. 

Sexual Dimorphism also appears to be present in this species, with females averaging slightly greater in length than the slightly smaller males.

The head grows rather broad and flat, with a short, rounded snout present. 

Likewise, coloring varies between individuals, yet browns and greys predominate, to assist in blending in with the environment.

The most distinctive feature remains the spider-shaped growth on the end of its tail, used to attract its prey.

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Class: Reptilia

Order: Squamata

Family: Viperidae

Genus: Pseudocerastes

Species: P. urarachnoides

Source: Photo: Omid Mozaffari
Public Domain Image

Spider Tailed Viper Distribution, Habitat, and Ecology

Being endemic to the rather rugged and remote mountain regions of western Iran, in Asia, the Spider Tailed Viper is rarely seen.

Also, within its native habitat, the species primarily spends its time in rock crevices.

There, its natural camouflage permits this ambush predator to wait for its prey. This remarkable snake feeds on a variety of small mammals, most of whom are themselves predators of spiders.

The majority of its prey also consists of various types of birds.

Though the Spider Tailed Viper kills its prey with venom, the relative potency of its venom has never been studied.

Leaping Lesbian Lizard

Source: Photo: Greg Schechter

Leaping Lesbian Lizard Facts

Source: Photo: Lon&Queta

Leaping Lesbian Lizard Physical Description

This lizard grows to a length of as much as 9 in (23 cm). Its coloring is typically overall brown or black with seven pale yellow stripes from head to tail.

Light spots often occur between the stripes. In fact, the coloring is an evolutionary adaptation to its habitat.

Individuals have a white or pale blue underside, with a blue or blue-green colored throat. The body is slender and has a long tail.

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Class: Reptilia

Order: Squamata

Family: Telidae

Genus: Cnemidophorus

Species: C. neomexicanus

Source: Photo: Roger Shaw                CCL:

Leaping Lesbian Lizard Behavior

Like most other whiptail lizards, the New Mexico whiptail lizard is diurnal (active mainly in the daylight) and insectivorous. It also remains wary, energetic, and fast moving, darting for cover if approached.

When it reproduces, up to four unfertilized eggs get laid in mid-summer. The eggs will hatch approximately eight weeks later.

Despite reproducing asexually, and being an all-female species, the lizard still engages in mating behavior with other females of its own species. Interestingly, a common theory is that this behavior stimulates ovulation, as those who do not mate do not lay eggs.

Source: Photo: Greg Schechter

Leaping Lesbian Lizard Distribution and Habitat

This is a lizard native to the southern United States and northern Mexico, in North America. In the U.S., it lives in New Mexico and Arizona. In Mexico – it inhabits Chihuahua.

The New Mexico Whiptail Lizard lives in a rather wide variety of semi-arid habitats that may include grassland, rocky areas, shrubland, or mountainside woodlands.

Source: Public Domain Image

6 Startling Evolutionary Adaptations

These particular 6 Startling Evolutionary Adaptations represent just the tip of the iceberg, of course. Nature is ceaseless in its efforts to adapt. Countless others could have been included in this list, naturally. We invite you to send us your thoughts pertaining to other species you think worthy of inclusion in such a list. Sadly many species throughout our beautiful world now find themselves facing the threat of extinction. Let us all be aware of the precarious nature of existence, and do all we can to preserve these amazing species, wherever they are.

Check out our other articles on Wonderful Wild Cats of the World, 10 Extraordinary Reptiles, 10 Dazzling Denizens of the Depths, 7 Stunning North American Lepidoptera

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