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Spotted Handfish

Spotted Handfish, Brachionichthys hirsutus
Source: Photo: Barry Bruce, CSIRO CCL:

Spotted Handfish Facts

Source: Photo: Mark Green, CSIRO CCL:

Spotted Handfish Physical Description

First of all, the interesting and quite different Spotted Handfish ranks as a most unusual creature. Most of all, its specialized pectoral fins cause it to stand out from other fish. These human hand-shaped fins serve as means of locomotion.

However awesome, it nonetheless remains a physically small animal. That holds true due to the fact that individuals rarely exceed 4.7 in (12 cm) in length. In fact, most specimens stay much smaller than that.

Also, the bodies display a cream-colored background, with numerous spots which are either light brown or yellow-brown. The pattern and number of these spots often vary significantly between individuals.

Source: Photo: John Turnbull CCL:

Spotted Handfish Distribution, Habitat, and Ecology

First of all, the Spotted Handfish has a quite limited and precise territory range. It only inhabits the estuary of the Derwent River in Australia and nearby regions. Therefore, the lack of complete information about the species occurs because of its scarcity, not inaccessibility.

While limited, its habitat consists of easily accessed spots. The great majority of individuals apparently live near the ocean floor. Furthermore, these appear at shallow depths that do not exceed 98 ft (30 m).

Meanwhile, experts remain uncertain of its diet in the wild. Yet, they believe the fish feeds on shrimp, small shellfish, and amphipods. This would be similar to most related species.

Due to its limited and vulnerable range, it is highly threatened by climate change and possible habitat loss. The creature also now faces threats from an introduced species of starfish.

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