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Snowdonia Hawkweed

Snowdonia Hawkweed, Hieracium snowdoniense
Source: Photo: Alvesgaspar CCL:

Snowdonia Hawkweed Facts

Source: Photo: Alvesgaspar CCL:

Snowdonia Hawkweed Physical Description

Although the Snowdonia Hawkweed constitutes an incredible species for many reasons, physical size isn’t among them. That’s because the extraordinarily rare Angiosperm remains a comparatively small perennial plant species. In point of fact, the otherwise remarkable plant typically attains a height measuring only about 12 in (30 cm).

This marvel of Nature also possesses a visual charm. That occurs partly due to the fact that its flowers wonderfully display as a bright golden yellow in color. Furthermore, it produces these at the ends of long, delicate stems. These further grow in small clusters. Each stem also possesses a small rosette of elongated leaves growing at the base.

Further, numerous tiny black hair-like structures cover both the stems and the backs of the leaves of the Snowdonia Hawkweed. This lovely plant also produces fruit irregularly and even reproduces asexually. The small fruit ripens after approximately one month with the wind acting as the principal pollinator.

Source: Public Domain Image

Snowdonia Hawkweed Distribution, Habitat, and Ecology

First of all, given that only one specimen appears to exist, the delicately lovely Snowdonia Hawkweed obviously only inhabits an incredibly small range. Additionally, it appears that the amazing plant never had an extensive range of habitation. Furthermore, when it man first discovered the flowering plant, it only inhabited seven individual mountain ledges in Wales, in Europe.

Obviously, details about the previous habitat, if any, of the lovely flower, remain unknown. That’s because, despite exhaustive research, no evidence of a prior existence anywhere else on the planet exists. Quite surprisingly, for the moment, its only known habitat remains quite harsh. That’s because  it currently only inhabits a very rocky, quite steep, and north-facing inaccessible mountain cliff. 

In addition, many experts believe that long-term overgrazing by local sheep populations may have led to the current predicament the species faces. Thankfully, however, conservation efforts for the marvelous Snowdonia Hawkweed have recently been initiated. These include the collection of seeds, in an attempt to establish a new population at the National Botanic Garden of Wales.

Species Sharing Its Range

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