When Man and Nature Collide. There is a War Ravaging Our World I speak not of the conflicts between men or countries but of another, vastly different kind of war. It is not a war for political reasons or for territorial expansion. Its basis is far simpler than that, yet its potential ramifications far outstrip anything […]
Search Results for: how to save water
Transitional Ethics And Going Green
Probably most environmentalists at some point face the dilemma between the lesser of two evils. Do “green” people walk the talk or do they walk only when the road is nicely paved, clean and poses no moral predicaments? According to green-tipster Michael Bloch, anyone attempting to “go green” needs to accept that such an evolution takes baby […]
Amazing Conservation Photography
A photo says a thousand words – especially amazing conservation photography that evokes a myriad of emotions. Conservation photography may be a discipline you’ve never heard of. The foundations have been around since the beginning of photography itself. However, using images to make people aware of, and respond to, environmental issues is a genre that […]
Greenwashing and Green Marketing
Greenwashing and green marketing have certainly contributed to a challenge we face today. As Albert Einstein once said “We can not solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used to create them.” Recently I came across an interesting and yet controversial article on the topic. Joel Makower, chairman and executive editor of GreenBiz Group […]
Ocean Conservation
What does ocean conservation mean to you and how much are you willing to give up in order to conserve our oceans? Do you know what role oceans play in each of our lives and what we all could do to protect them and restore them? Our oceans are under massive stress. We fish too many […]
Plastic Recycling in Taiwan – Green Gold
Have you even thought of plastic recycling in Taiwan? For me, this is brand new. Recycling is a tricky story, even more so when it comes to practices in Asia. Plastic lasts forever. As much as we know that products from recycled plastics are not recyclable anymore, a lot of us put high hopes in the recycling […]