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Sea Pens

Sea Pens

Source: Photo: Peter Southwood CCL:

Sea Pens
Photographer: Peter Southwood
CC License:

Sea Pens Facts

Source: Photographer: Fred Hsu CC License:

Sea Pens Physical Description

Sea Pens actually represent colonies of individual polyps and together they function as a single organism. Each polyp also possesses eight tentacles.

Various polyps also have specialized to perform specific functions for the whole. One loses its tentacles and becomes rigid. This forms the central stalk of the creature. The rest attach themselves to it, as a base.

In some types, the exposed portion may also reach 6.6 ft (2 m) in height.

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Cnidaria

Class: Anthozoa

Order: Pennatulacea

Photographer: Joe Mabel
CC License:

Sea Pens Distribution, Habitat, and Ecology

The many various forms of the remarkable Sea Pens have a nearly global distribution and can be found in nearly all temperate and tropical waters.

All varieties also seem to have similar preferences for habitat. Each seems to prefer deep water, and, in fact, some species inhabit depths of as much as 6,600 ft (2,000 m).

Some species of this rather surprising creature have extremely long lifespans, living as long as 100 years.

The varied forms of the animal also all feed on a variety of tiny organisms. The ends of each polyp catch the prey.

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