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Royal poinciana

Royal Poinciana, Delonix regia
Source: Photo: Daniel Ramirez CCL:

Royal Poinciana Facts

Source: Photo: PINKE CCL:

Royal Poinciana Physical Description

Much like many of its relatives around the world, the Royal Poinciana garners great appreciation from those who view it. Also following in their metaphorical footsteps, it does so for several reasons, not simply due to its undeniable beauty and natural presence.

At full maturity, the height of this amazing Angiosperm sometimes varies significantly. This occurs due to many reasons, with most of them being related to local environmental conditions. An average range of vertical growth, though, is roughly 20 – 40 ft (6.1-12.2 m).

The trunk develops as comparatively thin, with a somewhat twisted shape. Near the top of this structure, multiple thin, also twisting branches develop, producing their own even smaller members. The bark on all appears as smooth, and light greenish brown in hue.

Its intriguing foliage consists of multiple compound leaves. Each further displays a slightly feather-like texture. These leaves range in length from 12 – 20 in (30 – 50 cm), and shows various shades of a light green. Brighter shades tend to predominate, however.

Yet it’s the flowers of the gorgeous Royal Poinciana that typically receive the most attention. These blooms develop as quite large compared to related trees. Each also manifests four petals showing either scarlet or orange-red shades. These reach 3 in (7.6 cm) long.

The fruit of this amazing tree evolved as a legume, with a flat shape and woody texture. This part of the plant reaches lengths averaging approximately 2 ft (61 cm)! It contains huge numbers of very tiny seeds. These only weigh about 0.4 grams (6.2 grains) each.

Source: Photo: Daniel Ramirez CCL:

Royal Poinciana Distribution, Habitat, and Ecology

The magnificent Royal Poinciana evolved as endemic to a very limited portion of the earth’s surface. The precise area in which this zone of habitation lies, however, likely won’t surprise many people. The natural marvel developed as native to what’s now named Madagascar.

Yet, even within this already highly restricted range, it only appears in a specific section. Due to its specific habitat preferences, it only appears natively in the general southwestern portion of the island nation. It’s presently unknown if it ever spread beyond this naturally.

As mentioned above, the fabulous species possesses specific preferences regarding its choice of habitat. This principally consists of sections of dry, deciduous forests. Yet the awesome Angiosperm nonetheless shows moderate flexibility in this regard, as well.

Because of its beauty, it’s now been spread by human actions to many other parts of the world. The tree flourishes best, however, in ecosystems containing either tropical or at least near-tropical conditions. But it also tolerates drier, and even salty, conditions, too.

The eye-catching Royal Poinciana typically prefers freely draining, open areas. It further shows favoritism for soils possessin a loamy or sandy nature, enriched with copious amounts of organic matter. The species doesn’t do well in regions with higher clay contents.

In Nature, the plant most frequently propogates via seeds released after the legumes dry and release them. Flowers generally appear between May and July. These often endure for a month or more. Sadly, this tree has an average lifespan equaling only 40 years.

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