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Rose of Jericho

Rose of Jericho, Anastatica hierochuntica
Source: Photo: Ji-Elle CCL:

Rose of Jericho Facts

Source: Public Domain Image

Rose of Jericho Physical Description

Perhaps most notably, although remarkable, and visually rather distinctive, the Rose of Jericho nevertheless remains a small species of plant. But, what the plant lacks in terms of size, it easily makes up for in distinctiveness. Nature places no importance on size.

In point of fact, even truly exceptional individual specimens rarely achieve a height of more than 6 in (15 cm). Most individual specimens, though, actually a somewhat smaller overall size than that. This typically only equals approximately about 4 in 10 cm).

The impressive Rose of Jericho also, and once again, surprisingly, represents a type of annual herb. In appearance, this marvelous work of Nature most commonly displays a light gray in color, and produces small white flowers. This makes for a striking combination.

But, while quite small, the seeds of this highly adapted plant remain far from fragile. In fact, these remain extremely hardy and well protected by the surrounding leaves produced in large quantities. This evolutionary trait thus helps serve to ensure continuance of the species.

Source: Photo: Nikswieweg CCL:

Rose of Jericho Distribution, Habitat, and Ecology

The incredible Rose of Jericho evolved to survive its habitat, like most species. It thus developed its sincerely astonishing hardiness and regenerative abilities for a specific reason. This is completely understandable, because of the severity of its native climate.

More specifically, the marvel of Nature evolved as endemic to the extremely arid regions of Asia. The unique Angiosperm most commonly occurs in the countries of the Middle East and the Sahara. To date, it currently remains unknown if it ever appeared anywhere else.

Even more specifically, however, this highly evolved species only inhabits the various desert regions of eight modern countries. These locations consist solely of the regions now forming the countries of Egypt, Iran, Israel, Palestine, Jordan, Syria, Iraq, and Pakistan.

The amazing Rose of Jericho possesses an extraordinary evolutionary trait. Specimens dry up virtually completely after the end of the local rainy season. At that time, the leaves of each individual plant contract tightly, thereby protecting the precious seeds within.

This wonder further remains this way for extended periods. It can, in fact, actually lie dormant for months or even years, presenting a highly convincing appearance of death. Yet, when the rain finally comes, it opens quickly, to receive the life-giving water.

Species Sharing Its Region

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