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Rock Hyrax

Rock Hyrax, Procavia capensis

Source: Photo: Bernard DUPONT CCL:

Rock Hyrax, Procavia capensis
Source: Photo: Bernard DUPONT CCL:

Rock Hyrax Facts

Source: Photo: Bernard DUPONT CCL:

Rock Hyrax Physical Description

The interesting Rock Hyrax generally captures the attention of those individuals fortunate enough to encounter one. It typically does so, however, due more to its overall appearance than size. That’s due to the fact that the animal is only a moderate-sized animal.

Like a large percentage of mammals, it displays a certain degree of the physiological characteristic known as sexual dimorphism. In its case, this trait manifests itself in a somewhat different manner than many species. It’s one way in which the animal stands out.

Both sexes attain an average body length equaling approximately 20 in (50 cm). Males tend to reach roughly 8.8 lb (4 kg) in mass. The females, though, only achieve about 90% of this weight. This gives the males a slightly stockier build than their counterparts.

The amazing creature develops thick fur across the entirety of its body. This covering most commonly shows grayish-brown. Yet, it also varies due to different environments, sometimes greatly. Depending on this factor, it ranges in hue from light gray to dark brown.

Yet, it’s the general body structure of the Rock Hyrax that stands out the most. The head of the animal develops as pointed in nature. This itself sits atop a comparatively short neck. The small eyes and nose present as dark black. It also has small, roughly rounded ears.

Perhaps its most distinctive feature, though, lies in its mouth. The upper jaw holds two downward pointing tusk-like teeth. These vaguely resemble the tusks of an elephant, to which it’s actually distantly related! The bottom of the feet also have soft, thick pads.

Source: Public Domain Image

Rock Hyrax Distribution, Habitat, and Ecology

The impressive Rock Hyrax evolved as native to a moderate section of the surface of the earth. The location of that zone of habitation likely won’t surprise many people, though. That’s because this marvel of Nature developed as endemic to the continent of Africa.

Yet, it also appears in parts of the Middle East. There, the animal lives in Lebanon, Israel, Jordan, and the Arabian Peninsula. In Africa, it has a disjointed population. It lives in the far northern and southern areas. It obviously must have once lived throughout the area, though.

The marvelous species displays clear preferences regarding its choice of habitat. This consists almost exclusively of arid, rocky, scrub-covered regions. The remarkable product of natural selection also displays a clear favoritism for areas filled with multiple rock crevices.

Yet, it does display a versatility and adaptability in terms of the altitudes at which it lives. Provided a region possesses the other attributes mentioned, it serves just as well. Groupings of the mammal therefore dwell at alttitudes of up to as much as 13,800 ft (4,200 m).

The Rock Hyrax further evolved as a highly social species. It generally lives in groupings, ranging in number from 10 – 80 individuals. As a general principle, these usually even forage as a coherent group. Active sentries even stand watch and warn of any danger.

It’s primarily carnivorous in terms of diet. Food sources consist of a wide variety of locally available plants. On occasion, though, this fare may be supplemented with grubs and insects. Its many predators include snakes, eagles, caracals, hawks, leopards, owls, and wild dogs.

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