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Risso’s Dolphin

Risso's Dolphin, Grampus griseus
Source: Photo: Alan Vernon CCL:

Risso’s Dolphin Facts

Source: Photo: Mike Baird CCL:

Risso’s Dolphin Physical Description

Sexual Dimorphism is present among the Risso’s Dolphin, but only to a small extent. The males grow slightly larger, attaining a length of as much as 12.5 ft (3.8 m). These sometimes weigh as much as 1,100 lb (500 kg). However, these average only about 659 lb (300 kg). 

The flippers also grow comparatively long and slender in shape. The head is also much more rounded than that of most dolphins. Further, it has a distinctive crease in the sonar-detecting organ known as the melon.

In addition, its natural coloring shows primarily a dark gray. However, adults often display extensive white patches. These occur as a result of scarring from encounters with prey and potential predators.

Source: Photo: Mike Baird CCL:

Risso’s Dolphin Distribution, Habitat, and Ecology

Firstly, the truly fascinating Risso’s Dolphin primarily inhabits the warm waters of the world. The impressive animal also appears to primarily inhabit regions near continental shelves.

The Grampus griseus seems to be a long-lived cetacean species, compared to other, related species. As a result of this longer lifespan, many individuals appear to live as long as 40 years.

Additionally, a typical group of this type of dolphin (known as a pod) usually contains as many as 30 individuals. Yet, some super-pods occasionally contain as many as 4,000 specimens. 

It will also feed on a wide variety of fish species, being opportunistic in nature. However, its favorite prey is small species of squid, also native to most of the areas that it inhabits.

Finally, though information is scarce, the Risso’s Dolphin appears to have few natural predators itself.

Species Sharing Its Range

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