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Ringing Rocks

Ringing Rocks
Source: Photo: Gavin M. Roy CCL:

Ringing Rocks Facts

Source: Photo: mhorell14 CCL:

Ringing Rocks Physical Description

Part of the mystery of the Ringing Rocks surrounds the fact that there is nothing particularly rare or unique about their composition itself. Perhaps this demonstrates that we still have much to learn.

The various sized boulders that form the Ringing Rocks are composed of a substance known as diabase. This remains basically just volcanic basalt.

The time of the volcanic eruption which must have spewed them forth (since there is no indication that they were deposited by glacial activity) remains unknown.

They also contain high concentrations of aluminum and iron. Though it still remains theoretical, scientists believe that they broke apart during the Pleistocene Epoch, approximately 12,000 years ago. This could have occurred through repeated cycles of freezing and thawing.

Source: Photo: Bureau of Land management CCL:

Ringing Rocks Mysterious Nature

The mysterious nature of the Ringing Rocks is not limited to just the fact that the ringing itself remains completely unexplained. There are other mysteries surrounding the formation (Nature never fails to surprise us). A few of these include:

The fact that science has been unable to explain any of these mysteries has led many to suggest that a paranormal explanation may lie behind the phenomena.  Regardless of what the explanation is, it can not detract from the beauty and mystery of the place.

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