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Polar Bear

Polar Bear, Ursus maritimus
Source: Public Domain Image

Polar Bear Facts

Source: Photo: Susanne Miller USFWS Public Domain Image

Polar Bear Physical Description

While the gorgeous Polar Bear remains an especially overall, it does display a rather marked degree of sexual dimorphism.

As a result, a males also attain a weight of as much as 1,543 lb (700 kg), while the much smaller female only reaches about half of that.

In addition, the larger males reach a length of nearly 10 ft (3.05 m), while females do not quite reach 8 ft (2.44 m).

The extremely long and rather thick coat appears primarily white, though it tends to yellow slightly as the individual ages.

Source: Photo: Ansgar Walk CCL:

Polar Bear Distribution, Habitat, and Ecology

Firstly, the native range of the truly impressive Polar Bear primarily lies within the Arctic Circle and its surrounding areas.

Though it occurs rather rarely, individuals sometimes appear as far south as Newfoundland, in Canada, in North America.

This animal is technically classified as  marine mammal, since it often spends months at sea, on floating ice.

Meanwhile, the beautiful Polar Bear also actually ranks as the most carnivorous member of the bear family.

Though it remains an opportunistic hunter, its prey primarily consists of ringed seals and bearded seals.

Species Sharing Its Range

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