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Pink Fairy Armadillo

Pink Fairy Armadillo, Chlamyphorus truncatus
Source: Photo: Cliff CCL:

Pink Fairy Armadillo Facts

Source: Photo: daderot Public Domain Image

Pink Fairy Armadillo Physical Description

The fabulous Pink Fairy Armadillo remains much smaller than its related species. That’s because a mature adult rarely exceeds 4.5 in (11.5 cm) in length. In addition, an average weight among adults only equals about 4.2 oz (120 g).

Its eyes are also small, and its vision remains relatively poor. Furthermore, the silky fur which covers its body usually displays as a yellowish-white. Yet despite its small size, the animal has comparatively long, powerful claws.

But, its remarkably flexible shell obviously remains its most prominent feature. While coloring varies, it often displays a bright pink hue. Yet its shell develops thinner and more flexible than most related species.

Finally, this truly astonishing species displays no noticeable sign of sexual dimorphism. Therefore, both genders of the species present he same astonishing physical appearance. This trait also holds true for related species, as well.

Source: Photo: Totodu74 Public Domain Image

Pink Fairy Armadillo Distribution, Habitat, and Ecology

Most notably, the Pink Fairy Armadillo has an extremely limited habitat range. It has only been found in a small portion of central Argentina, in South America. But, even in these locations, it only appears in small scattered pockets of population.

Further, within that range, the magnificent creature has several types of habitat it prefers. These highly varied types include dunes, sandy plains, and grasslands. But outside of these environments the animal does not do well.

It also represents a primarily burrowing, and nocturnal animal. Further, it spends most of its time underground. It also appears to be extremely vulnerable to even small changes in its habitat, requiring great stability.

In addition, the fascinating animal currently remains classified as a generalist insectivore. Most commonly, it feeds on various larvae and ants. However, it will eat leaves, worms, and snails if these cannot be found.

Unfortunately, the species faces a number of threats, not all of them natural. In addition to serving as prey for wild boars, it also falls to domestic dogs and cats. Finally, habitat loss poses an extreme threat, as its already limited range is converted into farmland.

Species Sharing Its Range

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