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Pewits Nest

Pewits Nest
Source: Photo: Joshua Mayer CCL:

Pewits Nest Facts

Source: Photo: Aaron Carlson CCL:

Pewits Nest Physical Description

First of all, the Nature Reserve containing Pewits Nest actually only covers a surprisingly small region. That holds true due to the fact that it encompasses a total area of only 9 acres (3.6 hectares). However, the site perfectly proves the old adage that beauty comes in all sizes.

In addition, this awesome wonder of Nature formed across the landscape only about an estimated 10,000 years ago. It must be pointed out that, in geological terms, this makes it quite young. The wondrous site formed through the actions subsequent to the retreat of the last glacier in the region.

That’s because the action carved a narrow, and relatively deep, gorge into the soft and pliable sandstone of the area. The depth of the beautiful gorge ranges across its length. This runs from a depth measuring about 30-40 ft (9.1-12.2 m), not including the height of the several small cliffs which surround it.

In addition, the melting of the glacier also resulted in the creation of multiple small waterfalls, as well. Numerous formations known as potholes also formed, along with a small creek, known locally as Skillets Creek. In fact, this small waterway continues to run through the Reserve even today.

Source: Photo: kenneth casper CCL:

Pewits Nest Location, Nature, and Preservation

The truly breathtaking Pewits Nest sits in the state of Wisconsin, in the United States, in North America. Further, the state of Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources owns and maintains the site. Its designation as a protected State Natural Area occurred in 1985.

Bountiful and beautiful flora thrives there, perhaps because the location resides within a small dry-mesic forest. The region also consists of rather dense undergrowth and numerous trees. The majority of these consist of white pine, hemlock, red cedar, and yellow birch.

Numerous small animals also such make their home in this magical area. Among others, this includes rabbits, squirrels, and multiple types of birds. Quite sadly, however, the species known as the peewit, from which its name derives, is rarely seen now.

Furthermore, the Pewits Nest State Nature Area remains open to the public. But, quite regrettably, few people outside of the immediate area know of its existence. The parking zone only holds 7-8 cars, since the government makes every effort to maintain the beauty of this small wonder.

However, the officials do not maintain the numerous trails, so visitors to the Nature Reserve must watch their step. Finally, Pewits Nest once contained a small mill, where a water wheel made use of the falls, but no trace of it exists today.

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