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Palau Nautilus

Palau Nautilus, Nautilus belauensis
Source: Photo: USFWS CCL:

Palau Nautilus Facts

Source: Photo: Profberger CCL:

Palau Nautilus Physical Description

First of all, it must be noted that none of the currently known forms of amazing nautilus attain a great size. That’s despite the fact that Nature has been working on these marvelous creatures for more than 500 million years. Sometimes less really counts as more.

However, among them, the gorgeous Palau Nautilus stands out from the crowd. It ranks as the greatest of them, in terms of overall physical size. That statement holds true due to the fact that its shell attain a maximum measured diameter of approximately 10 in (25 cm).

Also, much like many other species around the world, this remarkable animal displays a mild degree of the trait of sexual dimorphism. In the case of this particular invertebrate, this trait displays itself in the fact that males average slightly larger than females.

Obviously, the shell grows as the creature within it does. In addition to this, as the creature and its shell mature, this develops an easily distinguishable longitudinally crenulated shape. Further, when viewed from one side, that same shell possesses a roughly triangular shape.

Furthermore, much like many of its close relatives, it possesses a striking appearance. In point of fact, the patterning of color of the gorgeous Palau Nautilus makes this specific animal easily recognizable. This primarily consists of brown and reddish stripes.

In addition, these highly visible and distinctive markings cover a large portion of the body. These extend from the inner shell to the outer portions of it. Finally, in most individuals, the thickness of the shell also tends to be slightly greater than related species.

Source: Photo: Lee R Berger CCL:

Palau Nautilus Distribution, Habitat, and Ecology

Quite unfortunately, the remarkable species known as the Palau Nautilus has another amazing trait. It appears to inhabit an extremely restricted habitat range. That holds true because it only lives in a tiny portion of the western sections of the Pacific Ocean.

More specifically, however, that tiny zone of habitation consists of a comparatively remote region. The range includes the waters around the roughly 340 islands comprising the country of Palau, which in turn forms part of the Western Carolines.

Furthermore, even within this extremely limited area, the fascinating animal appears to be highly selective of where it chooses to live. That occurs due to the fact that all observes specimens appeared at depths ranging from 312 – 1,654 ft (95 – 504 m).

Even more specifically, though, the greatest majority of individuals actually occurred at depths measuring between 492 -984 ft (150 – 300 m). Those individuals appearing at depths outside of this smaller range actually comprise only a small fraction of its population.

In addition, the specific requirements of the awesome Palau Nautilus do not end there. That happens given the fact that it also only appears in waters possessing a specific range of temperatures. That range happens to be between 49 – 62 F (9.4 – 16.6 C).

However, an ongoing, and sometimes complicated, mystery surrounds this aspect of its life. Despite intensive research, the precise reason for the need or preference for such a precise range of water temperatures currently remains undetermined by researchers.

In addition, and also like its relatives, it mainly feeds as an opportunistic scavenger. In this, it typically consumes a comparatively wide variety of dead species. But, these mostly include fish and small crustaceans. Its own predators mainly include octopi and sharks.

Species Sharing Its Range

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