Mugger Crocodile Facts
- This impressive reptile most often goes by the somewhat unusual, if attention-grabbing, common name of the Mugger Crocodile. Yet, it does have a few other general titles by which it’s also known. These include such terms as marsh crocodile and simply the mugger.
- Within the scientific community, though, the animal’s perhaps better known by its technical designation. Fortunately for the layperson, that’s a comparatively easy term to pronounce, at least as such tags go. That’s because it holds the epithet Crocodylus palustris.
- The remarkable reptile received that specific moniker due to the efforts of the noted French herpetologist, René Primevère Lesson. He accomplished the first recognition of it as a separate and distinct species. That scientifically noteworthy deed occurred in the year 1831.
- This marvel of Nature and evolution also currently represents a strong subject of study among researchers for one extraordinary trait. The amazing animal’s occasionally been observed using lures to hunt birds, making it among the first recorded reptiles to use simple tools!
- The surprising creature does this by balancing various sticks, branches, and similar other material on its snout. Such objects the creature actively uses to lure various birds, since these serve as nesting material. This action works particularly well during local nesting seasons.
- Sadly, though, the stunning Mugger Crocodile presently finds itself in an extremely difficult situation. That’s true since its population’s been in a sharp and steady decline for many decades. The sad trend’s occurred due to many factors, most related to human activities.
- Listed as Vulnerable by the IUCN, on its Red List of Threatened Species, it’s now protected by law in much of its range. Yet, it’s still threatened by various dangers. These include accidents and fishing nets outside of protected areas. It also now faces the danger of climate change.
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Mugger Crocodile Physical Description
The distinctive Mugger Crocodile, like most of its many relatives around the globe, typically enthralls those who meet it, especially in its native environment. Unlike some of those cousins, however, it doesn’t often do so due to sheer size. That’s because it’s an average-sized crocodilian.
Regarding physical statistics, though, the natural marvel follows a pattern common to those same relations. That’s shown by the fact that it displays a certain degree of the physiological characteristic of sexual dimorphism. In it, the trait manifests in both the size and shape of the body.
Males attain greater average body lengths than that of the females of the species. This gender occasionally reachs lengths of up to 13 ft (4 m). Their female counterparts, meanwhile, only average about 8.2 – 9.8 ft (2.5 – 3 m). The difference is most noticeable among mature adults.
Weights vary significantly, for a number of reasons. This fact holds true both for the genders, and even among individuals. Nevertheless, as a general principle, males do tend to outmass females. Among grown adults, this measurement typically ranges from 330 – 990 lb (150 – 450 kg).
Males of the animal also often have a significantly broader and heavier build compared to the females, further distinguishing them. This difference remains particularly noticeable in the head and neck region. Their bodies also usually develop as much more robust and muscular.
In both sexes, the head grows large and broad, with highly prominent eyes and nostrils situated at the top of the snout. That of the male’s usually grows larger. The reptile additionally has a distinctive bulge at the end of its snout, which distinguishes it from other crocodile species.
Like all crocodilians, this remarkable product of evolution also has extremely sharp teeth adapted for catching and holding prey. Its fourth tooth on each side of the lower jaw also protrudes when the mouth is closed, fitting into notches in the upper jaw. It’s yet another distinctive feature.
The Mugger Crocodile further evolved four relatively short, stout legs with clawed toes. Its limbs also developed as well adapted for both terrestrial locomotion and swimming. The tail is long and powerful, aiding in swimming and propulsion through the water. It also serves as a weapon.
Yet, Nature didn’t simply stop there when outfitting this wonder for its survival. It also provided the reptile with powerful natural protection. It’s skin’s entirely covered in tough, armored scales known as osteoderms. These strong scales provide protection and help regulate body temperature.
- Kingdom: Animalia
- Phylum: Chordata
- Class: Reptilia
- Order: Crocodilia
- Family: Crocodylidae
- Genus: Crocodylus
- Species: C. palustris
Mugger Crocodile Distribution, Habitat, and Ecology
The intriguing Mugger Crocodile evolved as native to only a moderately broad expanse of the surface of the earth. The precise location of that small zone of habitation, however, likely won’t surprise many people. That’s true since it developed as native to south and southeast Asia.
That endemic range includes a large part of the large Indian subcontinent. From there, though, the creature also expands its territory outward into other regions. Other countires in which it makes its home consist of such settings as Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, and Iran.
Like the majority of crocodilians, this marvel of Nature displays strong, decidedly clear preferences regarding its choice of habitats. It thus appears in several closely related ecosystems, though all share vital attributes. All have ample vegetation along the edge to provide it with cover.
It’s often found in various slow-flowing or even stagnant rivers possessing muddy or sandy banks. The animal also inhabits lakes and reservoirs, especially those with the mentioned vegetation. Yet more areas it frequent include many marshes, swamps, floodplains, and numerous wetlands.
The beautiful Mugger Crocodile also evolved as a pure carnivore. To that end, the animal feeds opportunistically, typically doing so as an ambush predator. The stunning reptile often ambushes its prey from the water’s edge or lies in wait underwater, using its stealth and camouflage.
Its victims generally consist of numerous smaller species. These usually consist of creatures such as snakes, turtles, birds, and especially numerous types of fish. However, mammals, amphibian, and other reptiles also form part of its diet. Squirrels, monkeys, otters, and rodents are also eaten.
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