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Mongolian Wild Horse

Mongolian Wild Horse, Equus przewalskii
Source: Photo: Daniela Hartmann CCL:

Mongolian Wild Horse Facts

Source: Public Domain Image

Mongolian Wild Horse Physical Description

Firstly, the beautiful Mongolian Wild Horse displays no noticeable degree of sexual dimorphism. In this, the amazing variety of wild horse remains very similar to the majority of other types of horses throughout the world.

However, it does possess a somewhat stockier body shape than most domesticated breeds. Furthermore, it also develops comparatively short legs. Due to this, most individuals average roughly 56 in (142 cm) in height at the shoulder.

In addition, the magnificent animal attains an average body length of about 6 ft 11 in (2.1 m). But, because of its stockier build, its weight might surprise you. In fact, the equine typically weighs around 660 lbs (300 kg).

It generally presents a dun color scheme. As a result, the majority of the coat shows a light tan in color. But, the legs, tail, and mane almost always show a black to deep reddish-black color. Finally, the tail usually reaches a length of about 35.4 in (90 cm).

Source: Photo: Ltshears CCL:

Mongolian Wild Horse Distribution, Habitat, and Ecology

First of all, it must be pointed out that the current distribution of the Mongolian Wild Horse remains limited to Parks and Reserves. But, it originally inhabited a broad range of the continent of Asia.

As a result, it evolved to thrive in a variety of areas in that ecosystem. Further, these primarily included savannas, grasslands, and regions of shrub. Therefore, it originally thrived in wide open areas.

Also, in the wild, it lives in small but permanent family groupings. These usually consist of one male, 1-3 females, and the various offspring. However, the offspring generally depart the group after reaching maturity.

Like all known types of horse, the Mongolian Wild Horse evolved as a herbivore. However, its dietary preference commonly varies with the season. As a result, it commonly feeds on a different plant in each of the four seasons.

Species Sharing Its Range

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