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Millaa Millaa Falls

Millaa Millaa Falls
Source: Photo: David Wei Wong Public Domain Image

Millaa Millaa Falls Facts

Source: Photo: Steven Penton CCL:

Millaa Millaa Falls Physical Description

The magnificent Millaa Millaa Falls instantly emblazons an indelible picture into the minds and memories of those fortunate enough to visit it. The geological marvel does so more due to its abundant natural beauty than to sheer physical measurements, though.

That’s true given the fact that this breathtaking natural flow possesses approximately average dimensions. It represents what geologists call a single-tier waterfall. As the appellation implies, the totality of the water drops in a single plunge to its base below.

That’s not to say, however, that the depths to which it drops aren’t respectable. That’s because the flow of water falls a measured total of roughly 60 ft (18.3 m). While this doesn’t compare to some similar features, such as Yosemite Falls, it’s still worthy of appreciation.

The width of the stunning Millaa Millaa Falls also varies due to local environmental factors. As the volume of inflow rises and falls, this naturally affects both the flow and width. As a general principle, though, some estimates place a mean width at about 20 ft (6.1 m).

Yet one more natural wonder awaits the visitor to this location. That’s true given the amazing fact that a comparatively large plunge pool sits at the bottom of the cascade. Except for a small, cleared viewing area around this, the entire site lies surrounded by rainforest.

Source: Photo: Lenny K Photography CCL:

Millaa Millaa Falls Location, Formation, and Ecology

The visual splendor known to the world as Millaa Millaa Falls formed in a region of the globe already well known for its abundance of natural beauty. Astonishingly, that zone of the earth’s surface remains noted for its plethora of wonders of both geology and life.

Given this information, the general location where this waterfall formed likely won’t surprise many people. In fact, you’ll probably find it understandable! That’s because Nature created this masterpiece of motion on the continent that now bears the name of Australia.

It further sits within the boundaries of the governmental area known as the Tableland Region. Its precise situation inside that greater section of the continent places it in the state of Queensland. It’s found in close proximity to the small town likewise named Millaa Millaa.

The majority of the land surrounding and underlying the cascade formed long ago due to extensive volcanic activity. This deposited vast amounts of basalt in the area. Over time, the flow of water inexorably carved the vertical grooves now visible behind the flow.

The majestic Millaa Millaa Falls also play an important role in the local ecosystem that goes far beyond its beauty. Flora and fauna both abound in the immediate vicinity, profiting from its moisture. The entirety of the plants within the rainforest around it do so, in fact.

Numerous animals also call the local region home, and partake of its waters. Mammals benefiting from it include such species as dingo and the remarkable platypus. Various others among these include birds, like the cassowary, and the always intriguing Tiger Quoll.

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