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Lower Keys Marsh Rabbit

Lower Keys Marsh Rabbit, Sylvilagus palustris hefneri
Source: Photo: Chad Anderson/USFWS Public Domain Image

Lower Keys Marsh Rabbit Facts

Source: Photo: Tomfriedel CCL:

Lower Keys Marsh Rabbit Physical Description

Regardless of its other distinctions, the marvelous Lower Keys Marsh rabbit forms a small-to-medium sized species. Individuals also average about 15 in (380 mm) in length and 2.2-3.8 lbs (1.0-1.7 kg) in weight. However, this remarkable animal displays no discernible degree of sexual dimorphism.

Additionally, this wonderful variety of rabbit develops hind feet that range in total length from 2.5 – 3.1 in (65 – 80 mm). Not only that, but its distinctive ears range in length from 1.7 – 2.4 in (45 – 62 mm). These provide it with excellent hearing, which serves as a definite advantage in its native habitat.

In addition, the fur of this remarkable animal typically grows comparatively short. In coloring, it most commonly displays various dark brown shades over much of its body. However, most individuals display a grayish-white coloring on the underside. Yet the short tail typically appears a dark brown in color.

Source: Photo: Chad Anderson/USFWS Public Domain Image

Lower Keys Marsh Rabbit Distribution, Habitat, and Ecology

The wonderful Lower Keys Marsh Rabbit apparently never had a large range to begin with. As the name indicates, the seemingly fragile animal inhabits the Florida Keys, in the United States, in North America. Yet sadly, the beautiful small creature now finds itself limited to an extremely tiny portion of the area.

This extremely restricted habitat range includes a few of the larger Lower Keys. Specifically, however, this covers Boca Chica, Saddlebunch, Sugarloaf, and Big Pine Keys and the small islands near these Keys. Further, research determined the habitat occupied by species to be limited to 633 acres in 1995, with only 81 suitable habitats.

It typically chooses areas of marsh, as the name implies. In addition, it prefers elevated sections, with sufficient plant cover for food, nesting, and protection. The animal has also become dependent on several specific plants for its diet. These include certain grasses, herbs, and sedges. Rather unfortunately, most of these have now been decimated by invasive species.

Species Sharing Its Range

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