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Kashmir Musk Deer

Kashmir Musk Deer, Moschus cupreus
Source: Photo: Николай Усик CCL:

Kashmir Musk Deer Facts

Source: Photo: Erik Adamsson Public Domain Image

Kashmir Musk Deer Physical Description 

The most distinctive physical characteristic of the relatively diminutive Kashmir Musk Deer remains its development of two small tusks. These it uses during the mating season to compete for females.

Most notably, the species displays sexual dimorphism in this regard. Only the males develop unique tusks.

The animal also averages about 24 in (60 cm) in height at the shoulder.

The coloring primarily seems to be a random mottling of brown, gray, and black.

Its precise lifespan remains undetermined but is believed to be approximately seven years.

Source: Photo: Αντώνης Παπ. CCL:

Kashmir Musk Deer Distribution, Habitat, and Ecology

The remarkable Kashmir Musk Deer was originally endemic to portions of Pakistan, India, and Afghanistan, in Asia. Since 2008, observers have spotted a total of only three different individuals in the wild.

Also, all three individuals appeared on the extremely steep and rugged northeastern slopes of Afghanistan. This further complicates efforts to study them.

The species also has a herbivorous diet in nature and seems to be principally crepuscular. It appears to feed primarily on a combination of grass, leaves, shrubs, and lichen.

However, its precise lifespan also remains undetermined, but experts believe it to be approximately seven years.

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