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Iridescent Bark Mantis

Iridescent Bark Mantis, Metallyticus splendidus
Source: Photo: Frupus CCL:

Iridescent Bark Mantis Facts

Source: Photo: Frupus CCL:

Iridescent Bark Mantis Physical Description

Certainly, the gorgeous Iridescent Bark Mantis displays a modest degree of sexual dimorphism. Due to this, in its case, the females generally attain a slightly larger size than the males.

Therefore, the slightly larger female reaches an average length of about 1.6 in (4 cm). So, the smaller male of this magnificent species typically attains a length of about 1.4 in (3.5 cm).

But it is the coloring of the invertebrate that represents its most memorable feature. Further, patterns of color, as well as the colors themselves vary significantly between individuals, but iridescent colors remain paramount.

Source: Photo: Frupus CCL:

Iridescent Bark Mantis Distribution, Habitat, and Ecology

The dazzling Iridescent Bark Mantis has a moderately large range, yet its populations appear fragmented. More specifically, however, it inhabits a range that includes much of southeast Asia.

Also, within this range, it typically inhabits regions of both temperate and tropical forest. There, it likes to rest under the bark of host trees, awaiting its unsuspecting prey.

But unlike most mantids, it does not feed as an ambush predator. Above all, this beautiful invertebrate prefers to pursue its prey. This usually consists of termites, butterflies, flies, and especially cockroaches.

Species Sharing Its Range

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