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Honduran White Bat

Honduran White Bat, Ectophylla alba
Source: Photo: Charlie Jackson CCL:

Honduran White Bat Facts

Source: Photo: Muchaxo CCL:

Honduran White Bat Physical Description

The Honduran White Bat easily qualifies as remarkable. But it does not earn that adjective due to its size. It actually ranks as a small bat. In fact, mature adults attain an average body length of around 2 in (5 cm). Its weight typically averages only about 0.2 oz (6 grams). 

But, its other physical traits merit attention. While its fur develops as short, it’s also typically a bright white in color. Various shades of light gray do occasionally manifest themselves. Also, the nose is relatively over-sized, and the ears and nose show a bright amber in color.

The Honduran White Bat also displays another appealing color pattern. Portions of the legs appear amber in color. Males and females also remain of roughly equal size, with no apparent sexual dimorphism. Finally, in stark contrast to its fur, the wings are completely black in color.

Source: Photo: Wanja Krah CCL:

Honduran White Bat Distribution, Habitat, and Ecology

Most notably, the magnificent Honduran White Bat only inhabits a highly limited range of the world. Parts of this area also qualify as difficult to access. In point of fact, the animal appears endemically only in quite specific sections of the lowland rainforest.

This unique animal evolved as endemic to what now constitutes the four distinct countries of Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras, and parts of Panama. The sole apparent reason for the specific nature of its habitat is the presence of the Heliconia plant.

Indeed, the surprisingly impressive species evolved a truly remarkable association with this one variety of flora. This relationship remains so strong that, within its natural environment, this typically constitutes the only location individuals will choose for shelter.

The reason remains understandable, though. This statement holds true since the large leaves of the plant form a perfect shelter for the Honduran White Bat. Furthermore, individuals will also cut along the veins of the leaves, forcing them to collapse inward.

This forms a V-shaped structure that the bats find convenient to use to roost. A single leaf may be home to 1-12 bats. This affords the mammal protection from both the heat of the sun and potential predators. Finally, this species also feeds as frugivorous in nature.

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