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Homestead Caldera

Homestead Caldera
Source: Photo: Ken Lund CCL:

Homestead Caldera Facts

Source: Photo: Araceli Arroyo CCL:

Homestead Caldera Physical Description

Firstly, geological evidence indicates that Homestead Caldera formed nearly 10,000 years ago. Furthermore, it constitutes only one of many found throughout the region. The impressive dome itself measures roughly 55 ft (16.7 m) in height. That dome also spans roughly 400 ft (122 m) in diameter.

Secondly, the marvelous structure remains mainly composed of limestone, and formed gradually over time. This remarkable formation occurred via the depositing of minerals from the geothermal spring. Subsequently, as a result of internal pressure, the newly-formed dome itself pushed outward. 

A relatively small hole in the top of the dome allows sunlight to filter in naturally. Additionally, for tourist purposes, a tunnel was drilled into the side of the dome to allow better access. The geothermal activity also maintains a steady water temperature of between 90-96 F (32-36 C).

Source: Photo: Ken Lund CCL:

Homestead Caldera Location, History, and Nature

Perhaps most notably, the magnificent Homestead Caldera formed near what now constitutes the city of Midway, Utah, in the United States, in North America.  To the surprise of many, the magnificent caldera actually represents a geothermal spring contained inside a naturally formed dome.

Additionally, an ongoing archaeological project works to retrieve objects left behind over time by thoughtless humans from the silt. These include coins and antique firearms. Those, and numerous other objects, are retrieved from the silt deposits that line the bottom of the hot spring.

Also, the water found at the site has a typical,and somewhat surprising, depth of nearly 65 ft (19.8 m). Meanwhile the silt itself measures roughly 14 ft (4.3 m) deep in places. This extreme depth makes locating, not to mention retrieving, the various paraphernalia difficult.

Fortunately, however, the owners have committed to every effort to return the site to its natural pristine condition. Those same individuals have also committed to exploring the history surrounding the site, as well.

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