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Heartleaf Foamflower

Heartleaf Foamflower, Tiarella cordifolia

Source: Photo: David J. Stang CCL:

Heartleaf Foamflower, Tiarella cordifolia
Source: Photo: David J. Stang CCL:

Heartleaf Foamflower Facts

Source: Photo: Eric Hunt CCL:

Heartleaf Foamflower Physical Description

In the lovely Heartleaf Foamflower, nature created a charming herbaceous perennial plant that captivates those who encounter it. Yet, it does so purely do to its visual appeal. That’s true since, compared to many similar flora, it’s a relatively small example of its kind.

Each specimen of the marvel of botanical evolution produces multiple thin, highly erect stalks. These features of the species also tend to manifest a somewhat fuzzy covering. In height, these vary significantly, usually ranging from 6 – 16 in (15 – 40 cm).

The appealing leaves themselves, though, develop separately. These appear at the ends of even thinner stems, also with a fuzzy texture. Protruding from the stalk, these stems occasionally grow to lengths equaling 8 in (20 cm). In color, they appear a light green.

Yet, the leaves themselves also merit notice. They possess an overall heart-shaped appearance, forming the basis of the common name of the plant. Each forms a sharp tip, along with 5 -7 lobes. These appear opposite each other along the spine, plus one at the tip.

It’s the delicate blooms of the Heartleaf Foamflower that usually receive the most attention, however. The plant produces these at the tip of the vertical stalk. Its lovely flowers additionally develop in large clusters, generally numbering anywhere from 15 – 50 blooms.

Individually, each of the blossoms remain quite small, with a feathery texture. Showing white in color, the collective combination gives the grouping a fuzzy appearance. Despite their small size, though, each beautiful flower has 10 stamens, 5 petals, and 5 sepals.

Source: Photo: stevbach1 CCL:

Heartleaf Foamflower Distribution, Habitat, and Ecology

Pleasantly, the gorgeous Heartleaf Foamflower evolved as native to a relatively broad swathe of the earth’s surface. The full extent of that zone of habitation comes as no surprise to many who learn of it, however. That’s because it’s native to North America.

Within the confines of that continent, though, it inhabits parts of both Canada and the United States. But, the plant only lives natively in the approximate eastern portions of both countries. Inside of those specific boundaries, however, the species is actually far-ranging.

In Canada, it lives in most of the southeast sections, extending that as far as Nova Scotia. In the United States, that habitat zone reaches as far west as northestern Wisconsin. From there, it stretches south through the Appalachian Mountains to Mississippi and Alabama.

The remarkable creation of Nature displays moderate flexibility regarding its habitat preferences. The flora frequently develops naturally in a surprising range of different, if similar, ecosystems. All of these do share certain basic conditions it requires, though.

It proliferates best in regions of either full or partial shade. It also needs well-drained or at least reasonably well-drained soil. In its native range, it most frequently develops naturally in primarily deciduous forests. Yet, it may appear in places such as parks, too.

The stunning Heartleaf Foamflower typically blooms between the months of March and July in most parts of its range. Surprisingly, detailed data concerning its pollinators does not yet exist. However, it’s believed these include various locally common butterflies and bees.

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