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Hagfish, Hyperotreti
Source: Photo: Peter Southwood CCL:

Hagfish Facts

Source: Photo: Linda Snook/NOAA Public Domain Image

Hagfish Physical Description

First of all, the various kinds of Hagfish attain different lengths. The largest sometimes reach as much as 4 ft (1.22 m) in length. The smallest ones only reach about 1.6 in (4 cm). Further, between the various species, an average length measures about 19.7 in (0.5 m).

In addition, the Hagfish grow highly elongated in form. Not only that, but individuals also possess a distinctly paddle-shaped tail. The skin also fits loosely over the bodies, providing its uniquely streamlined shape.

The coloring varies between species but includes black, white, bluish gray, and even pink. The eyes are simple, leaving the Hagfish for all intents and purposes blind. Yet, it possesses a keen olfactory sense to compensate.

Source: Photo: Peter Southwood CCL:

Hagfish Distribution, Habitat, and Ecology

The different species of Hagfish live in most tropical and temperate waters. All evolved as deep-dwelling fish and live on the ocean floor or at depths as great as 5,600 ft (1,800 m). There it prefers to hide beneath rocks or the sand.

Further, the animal primarily feeds on the carcasses of dead fish. Yet, it will attack live prey on occasion and has become rather popular for its method of feeding. It attaches itself to the body of its prey, living or dead, and burrow s its way inside.

Once inside, it literally consumes the prey from the inside out. Additionally, if necessary, its slow metabolism allow it to go months without feeding. This provides it with a distinct evolutionary advantage.

Species Sharing Its Range

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