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Green Bush Cricket

Green Bush Cricket, Tettigonia viridissima
Source: Photo: Marta Boroń CCL:

Green Bush Cricket Facts

Source: Photo: NoRud CCL:

Green Bush Cricket Physical Description

Like many insects, the genders of the Green Bush Cricket display a slight degree of sexual dimorphism. Females average around 1.7 in (4.3 cm) in length while males only reach about 1.4 in (3.6 cm).

True to its name, the tiny invertebrate develops as primarily green in color. However, specimens may display some yellow or brown bands on their backs.

The antennae also grow quite long and may sometimes be as much as three times the length of the creature’s body. These provide it with excellent sensory capabilities.

Source: Public Domain Image

Green Bush Cricket Distribution, Habitat, and Ecology

The startling Green Bush Cricket evolved as endemic to a range extending from Mongolia to Europe. Within this region, it typically inhabits areas up to elevations of as much as 5,900 ft (1,800 m).

It has adapted to thrive in a wide variety of locations. It principally inhabits grasslands, meadows, prairies, and even people’s gardens.

Prior to mating, the males attract the females with extended singing which is a product of rubbing their forewings together at high speeds. The female subsequently deposits the eggs in patches of soft, dry dirt.

This she does with her comparatively long ovipositor which may reach a length of as much 1.25 in (32 mm).

The larvae develop as bright green from the moment of birth.

The invertebrate evolved as primarily arboreal and also entirely carnivorous. Their diet consists mostly of caterpillars, flies, and various larvae.

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