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Golden Tabby Tiger

Golden Tabby Tiger

Golden Tabby Tiger

Golden Tabby Tiger
Source: Photo: Dave Pape Public Domain Image

Golden Tabby Tiger Facts

Source: Public Domain Image

Golden Tabby Tiger Mutation

Although an individual Golden Tabby Tiger can occur in the wild, none are known to exist at this time.

An unknown individual in India, in Asia, in the early 20th century killed the last known wild individual in existence.

For reasons which scientists have yet to clarify, all of these tigers actually develop slightly larger than even the mighty Bengal Tiger.

This makes this mutated version the largest of all known tigers, though it still isn’t a separate species.

Source: Photo: Dave Pape Public Domain Image

Golden Tabby Tiger Research

Scientific research involving this particular variety of the majestic tiger remains scarce due to its limited numbers.

Yet, researchers have made one rather interesting observation. Various tests indicate that the Golden Tabby Tiger also appears to be slightly more intelligent than other tigers.

Every single known Golden Tabby Tiger alive today constitutes a direct descendant of a mixed breed tiger named Tony, via the only one of his many descendants to successfully breed, a male named Bhim.

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