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Fantasy Canyon

Fantasy Canyon Source: Photo: James St. John CCL:

Fantasy Canyon Facts

Source: Photo: James St. John CCL:

Fantasy Canyon Physical Description

Firstly, the astounding rock formations found throughout the aptly-named Fantasy Canyon originally deposited during the late portions of the Eocene Epoch. This amazing action occurred between 38-50 million years ago. However, the extraordinary features of the canyon, contained within a scant 10 acres (4.6 hectares), do not constitute its only claim to distinction.

Furthermore, the subsequent erosion eventually led to the creation of the incredible features present today. However, this happened in conjunction with the particular composition of the rocks themselves. Furthermore, horizontal mineral deposits also run through the rock formations, with actually two different mineral veins present.

In addition, one of these two veins of mineral deposits consists of Gilsonite. This is a fascinating mineral based on hydrocarbons. The other vein remains comprised of magnetite, which forms a mineral containing unique magnetic properties. Therefore, the site remains distinctive for its composition, as well as its remarkable appearance.

Source: Photo: Bob Wick/BLM Public Domain Image

Fantasy Canyon Location and Uniqueness

Most notably, the utterly astounding Fantasy Canyon formed in what now constitutes northeast Utah, in the United States. Also, the region in which the canyon formed originally bordered an ancient lake. This body of water therefore served as the original source of the sandstone in the area.

Further, ongoing sedimentation over the passage of time deposited various other minerals and material in the region. These primarily include sandstone, siltstone, and shale. These various minerals erode at different rates, however. But, the sandstone appears to be much more durable than the others.

Also, as the other deposited minerals eroded, the unique features of Fantasy Canyon developed. These have been further augmented by wind erosion over the ensuing millions of years. To top things off, the canyon also serves as home to an extensive number of fossils, dating back to the Eocene Epoch.

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