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Eurasian Red Squirrel

Eurasian Red Squirrel, Sciurus vulgaris
Source: Photo: big-ashb CCL:

Eurasian Red Squirrel Facts

Source: Photo: Blondinrikard Fröberg

Eurasian Red Squirrel Physical Description

This breathtaking small mammal almost instantly captures the attention and interest of those fortunate enough to encounter it. Like its many relatives around the world, though, it typically does so more for its appearance, than because of any impressive measurements.

In terms of dimensions and outward form, it follows a pattern shared by those related species. That’s in the fact that, unlike many species, it displays no noticeable degree of the physiological characteristic of sexual dimorphism. Telling the sexes apart can be difficult.

Overall, individuals of both genders attain average head-and-body lengths of approximately 7.5 – 9 in (19 – 23 cm). The tail also adds an extra mean length of 6 – 8 in (15 – 20 cm). It’s therefore slightly smaller than the Eastern Gray Squirrel in the United States.

Weights for both sexes also remains roughly equal, at least as a general principle. During pregnancy, however, females understandably exceed that temporarily. Otherwise, an average mass for fully mature adults measures around 0.56 – 0.75 lb (0.25 – 0.34 kg).

It’s the color of the aptly-named Eurasian Red Squirrel that usually garners the most interest, though. Yet, despite the implications of the name, the animal isn’t always red in color. This aspect varies in color due to both season of the year and geographical location.

Between these different factors, however, a range remains prevalent. The shades it manifests on the back, sides, and head run from the namesake red, the most common, to as dark as black! Regardless of which of these appear, though, the stomach always shows an of-white.

Source: Photo: hedera.baltica CCL:

Eurasian Red Squirrel Distribution, Habitat, and Ecology

The beautiful Eurasian Red Squirrel evolved as native to a moderately large expanse of the earth’s surface. That general zone of habitation isn’t surprising to many people, though. After all, the very name of this biological masterpiece indicates where that territory lies.

As implied, the creature developed as endemic to a portion of both Europe and Asia. On the continent of Europe, the eye-catching rodent lives across most of its expanse. In Asia, though, it primarily appears in the more northerly parts of that part of its native range.

The remarkable fauna displays a decidedly strong degree of flexibility regarding its choice of habitat type. That’s true since it inhabits different ecosystems in various parts of the overall range. This high level of adaptability represents a powerful evolutionary advantage.

In southern and western Europe, it mainly lives in coniferous forests. These allow for a good mix of shrubs and trees. In northern Europe and parts of Asia, however, the rodent often lives in coniferous forests. Here, it shows a preference for several types of pines.

The amazing Eurasian Red Squirrel developed as principally solitary in nature. The exceptions to this mostly consist of breeding season and sharing a nest for warmth in winter. These small, dome-shaped nests the animal generally constructs in the forks of trees.

The lovely mammal also amost entirely herbivorous in its dietary preferences. It mostly consumes various seeds, nuts, berries, flowers, shoots, and even tree sap. Yet, on rare occasions, it’s even known to feed on the eggs of birds, or even on the young hatchlings.

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