I am incredibly happy to have participated in a second Antarctic Expedition with one of the most incredible people I know – Sir Robert Swan, OBE. In fact, Rob is the first person in history to walk to both the North and South Poles, he is a man of endless inspiration for environmental preservation and leadership, wonderful friend, […]Read More
7 Truly Astounding Geological Wonders
7 Truly Astounding Geological Wonders Our beautiful world remains filled with wonders of geology to dazzle the mind and senses. These wonders come in all astonishing forms, shapes, and sizes. Some of them stand out, however, for their utter uniqueness. Here, we have attempted to list our choices for 7 Truly Astounding Geological Wonders. As […]
10 Dazzling Denizens of the Depths
10 Dazzling Denizens of the Depths Throughout recorded history, few things have fascinated mankind more than the oceans and seas of our wonderful world. Part of that fascination was, of course, their movements and unpredictability. But perhaps even more, the unfathomable array of life with which the waters teemed drew our collective attention. As examples […]
7 Truly Breathtaking Mammals
7 Truly Breathtaking Mammals We present to you our choice for a list of 7 Truly Breathtaking Mammals. Of course, any such list remains entirely subjective. Animals that we consider deserving of inclusion on this list might not agree with your own thoughts on the matter. Certainly, the sheer number of animal species existing in […]
7 Stunning North American Lepidoptera
7 Stunning North American Lepidoptera Few people would dispute the opinion that the Order of Lepidoptera (butterflies and moths) contains some of the most incredibly beautiful invertebrates in the world. They are also among the most widespread of all insects. Various species live throughout virtually all temperate and tropical portions of the Earth. It remains […]
7 Spellbinding African Marvels
7 Spellbinding African Marvels Our choices for 7 Spellbinding African Marvels follow. To be certain, any such list remains entirely subjective, because criteria vary by personal opinion. But we here at Our Breathing Planet respect and admire the beauty of our world wherever it is found. We also encourage everyone to do likewise and do […]
Plastic Infographic – How to Reduce Plastic Usage
Simply put, the truth about plastic is rather dire. In fact, every piece of plastic ever produced still exists! Some more interesting and unpleasant facts – all in the plastic infographic at the bottom of the page. 10 Simple Steps to Stop (or Significantly Reduce) Using Plastic (Plus a Plastic Infographic) Here are some easy to […]
6 Mysterious Natural Phenomena
Mysterious Natural Phenomena Mankind still strives to solve many of the world’s natural mysterious phenomena, even after roughly 6,000 years of civilization. They come in all forms, each has its own appeal, they all captivate our imaginations and some could be outright terrifying. Many of these mysteries have fascinated mankind for thousands of years but […]
5 Rare Mind-Blowing Cloud Types
For thousands of years, mankind has gazed skyward with a mixture of awe and wonder at the beauty and variety of clouds such as these 5 Rare Mind-blowing Cloud Types. Yet, only in the last few centuries have we begun to understand the complex interaction of forces which forms and shapes clouds. It was not […]
Happy World OverPopulation Day
What is World Overpopulation? July 11th is the annual World Population Day, by the United Nations to highlight the impacts of overpopulation on people and the environment. Governments, universities and public-interest groups the world over hold educational forums and other events to stress the need to stabilize human numbers. The world’s population reached seven billion […]
The Dilemma of Population Growth
The population growth problem is a rather controversial topic so let’s start somewhere neutral where no dilemma exists. The industrial revolution started in the mid-18th century. This single event drastically altered the course of human history, and in many ways irrevocably affected all life on this planet. It is the latter of these that we will […]