I am incredibly happy to have participated in a second Antarctic Expedition with one of the most incredible people I know – Sir Robert Swan, OBE. In fact, Rob is the first person in history to walk to both the North and South Poles, he is a man of endless inspiration for environmental preservation and leadership, wonderful friend, […]Read More
7 Outstanding Flightless Birds of the World
We hope that each of you, our readers, will enjoy and appreciate this article we present about these 7 Outstanding Flightless Birds. It was certainly our pleasure to gather the information for you. May it provide you with both education and increased awareness. Certainly, these few species listed herein represent only a portion of the […]
Astounding Lizards of the World
We certainly hope that you enjoy and appreciate this article about Astounding Lizards of the World. Obviously, we cannot include all known species of lizard in this one compendium. That’s because science currently recognizes a total of 4,675 separate species of lizard. Herein we have included a scant handful, but we feel them to be […]
7 Spectacular Geological Marvels of Europe
We hope that you thoroughly enjoy this article on 7 Spectacular Geological Marvels of Europe. Every part of the world has its own beauty, to be certain, and this region no less so than any other. Some are better known than others, of course, but each and every one deserves inclusion herein. So sit back, […]
Breathtaking Primates of the World
We sincerely hope that you enjoy reading this article on Breathtaking Primates of the World. As our closest relatives, these magnificent animals continually fascinate most of us. They exist in seemingly endless varieties and sizes, as well as highly varied habitats. But each and every one remains special in its own right. That’s partly since, […]
Distinctive North American Woody Shrubs
We hope that you enjoy this article about Distinctive North American Woody Shrubs. So many plants now find themselves in danger of extinction, that some can occasionally be overlooked. But each and every one deserves our attention and concern. Such is the case with the woody shrubs of North America. Some of these may also […]
8 Truly Monumental Orchids
We truly hope that you enjoy this article on 8 Truly Monumental Orchids. This particular family holds some of the most magnificent flowers on earth. However, these come in an astonishing variety of colors, sizes, and even shapes, as you will discover. Naturally, of course, the species we list here comprise only the tiniest handful […]
7 Awe-Inspiring Ocean Crustaceans
We hope that you enjoy this article detailing 7 Awe-Inspiring Ocean Crustaceans. These fascinating creatures never cease to amaze and captivate us. The variety in which they exist is astounding. Obviously, these few comprise barely the tiniest handful of the more than 30,000 recognized species of crustacean in the world, both on land and in […]
Earth’s Many Mesmerizing Cephalopods
We sincerely hope that you thoroughly enjoy this article about Earth’s Many Mesmerizing Cephalopods. The many types, both squids and octopuses, represent some of the most amazing and fascinating creatures in the world. The adaptability and intelligence they display frequently astounds those researchers studying them. Here, you will find a small selection of the more […]
7 Wondrous Wasps Worldwide
We truly hope that you enjoy this article about 7 Wondrous Wasps Worldwide. For those who may be wondering why we would write about wasps, there is a simple reason. Entomologists estimate that roughly 100,000 species of wasp exist on earth today, and perhaps many more. Given that fact, the sheer variety of form and […]
Rare North American Flowering Plants
We certainly hope that you enjoy perusing this article we have created for you, about Rare North American Flowering Plants. Of course, as well as sadly, these represent only a few of the numerous types of plants now threatened throughout the world. Species on every continent face many of the same dangers to their existence […]