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Caracal, Caracal caracal
Source: Photo: Leo za1 CCL:

Caracal Facts

Source: Photo: Loury Cédric CCL:

Caracal Physical Description

The truly gorgeous Caracal ranks as a rather medium-sized wild feline, and displays no discernible degree of sexual dimorphism.

It also has a rather stocky build, relative to most wild felines. Furthermore, an average height at the shoulder equals about 20 in (50 cm), and a maximum weight is 40 lb (18 kg).

In addition, in coloring, individuals most commonly display shades of tan or sandy-red. However, slightly reddish markings appear on various part of the body.

The most visually striking feature, however, remains the strongly tufted ears, strongly resembling many types of lynxes.

Source: Photo: Shaun MItchem CCL:

Caracal Distribution, Habitat, and Ecology

The magnificent Caracal actually inhabits an extremely wide range, which includes portions of Africa, the Middle East, and Asia, including India.

It has also proven to be highly adaptable, and thrives in habitats that include forest, savannas, marshes, and even semi-desert regions.

Most commonly, it prefers areas with low rainfall and copious cover, yet also inhabits altitudes of up to 9,800 ft (3,000 m).

Like other species, it also has a carnivorous and primarily feeds on birds, rodents, and other smaller mammals.

However, if smaller prey remains absent, individuals have been known to prey on larger animals, such as sheep and goats.

Species Sharing Its Range

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