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Cannonball Tree

Cannonball Tree, Couroupita guianensis
Source: Photo: Mokkie CCL:

Cannonball Tree Facts

Source: Photo: Daniel Ramirez CCL:

Cannonball Tree Physical Description

In addition to its other unique characteristics, the truly fascinating Cannonball Tree also constitutes a reasonably large variety of tree. That’s due to the impressive fact that this particular species of plant typically attains heights equaling around 110 ft (35 m).

The majority of specimens growing outside of its native region, however, most commonly average slightly less in height. Its other features more than make up for this in terms of appeal, though. For one, its leaves generally develop in comparatively large clusters.

These groupings develop on the end of short branches. Those branches typically grow to a length measuring between 3 – 12 in (8 – 31 cm) in length. These can further grow to as long as 22 in (57 cm) in overall length. The flowers produced also have an extremely strong aroma.

Yet, for all their glory, these aren’t the most wonderful feature of this awesome flora. In fact, its astonishing fruit remains the feature for which the fabulous Cannonball Tree is best known. That holds true due to the existence of the amazing physical nature of these.

Firstly, this impressive fruit attains an average mature size of roughly 10 in (25 cm) in diameter. This, understandably, serves as the source of the common name of he tree. Secondly, just one of these astounding fruits may hold as many as 550 seeds.

Source: Public Domain Image

Cannonball Tree Distribution, Habitat, and Ecology

The amazing Cannonball Tree evolved as native to a region already well known for supporting a rich diversity of flora. In point of fact, this amazing tree evolved as endemic to the breathtaking region consisting of portions of Central America and South America.

Understandably, it thrives in a tropical climate, sharing its habitat with related species, such as the Brazil nut. It also shares some traits with other types of local flora. The tree achieves its pollination via the activities of various species of bee endemic to its region.

These include such varieties as bumblebees, wasps, and flower flies, to name a few. Carpenter bees, however, appear to be a primary pollinator of this truly remarkable tree. All this action occurs despite the astounding fact that the tree produces no nectar.

The fascinating Cannonball Tree also remains entirely dependent upon local wildlife for its propagation. In point of fact, its many seeds become dispersed by different animals that feed on the fruits of the plant. It has no other means of maintaining its numbers.

When these seeds fall to the ground, the tough outer shell breaks open. This then, obviously, reveals the fruit within. Animals such as domestic pigs and chickens, among others, consume the fruit voraciously. Consequently, these later spread the seeds via droppings.

Species Sharing Its Range

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