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California Sea Lion

California Sea Lion, Zalophus californianus
Source: Photo: Rhododendrites CCL:

California Sea Lion Facts

Source: Photo: Tewy CCL:

California Sea Lion Physical Description

Perhaps most notably, the gorgeous animal known as the California Sea Lion ranks as one of the smallest of the six surviving species. In addition to this statistic, the animal, like many other similar creatures, exhibits a marked degree of sexual dimorphism.

As a result, males average significantly larger than females. Males attain an average length of about 7.9 ft (2.4 m) and a weight of roughly 770 lb (350 kg). Females average 5.9 ft (1.8 m) in length and only 220 lb (100 kg) in weight. Exceptional individuals do exist, however.

Not only that, but coloring patterns vary between the genders as well. That’s because, like juveniles of both sexes, females typically display a tawny brown coloring. But adult males usually display a darker brown or nearly black color.

While both genders display long narrow muzzles, in contrast, other features of the head and face differ. The males of the California Sea Lion also distinguish themselves by developing a protruding crest with a patch of white hair, and also small manes.

Source: Public Domain Image

California Sea Lion Distribution, Habitat, and Ecology

The name of the California Sea Lion remains somewhat deceptive, as its native range extends well beyond the shores of California, in the United States. In actuality, that range extends along the entire west coast of North America. It runs from Alaska to Central Mexico.

The magnificent creation of evolution also inhabits numerous islands in that range, in addition to various locations on the continental shores. Notably among these locations are the Channel Islands, Isla Santa Margarita, and Punta Eugenia.

Like related species, the California Sea Lion evolved to have a carnivorous diet. As a result, the species consumes a relatively wide variety of seafood prey. However, these primarily include small squid, various fish, and occasionally even clams.

Given its size, its own predators quite understandably remain relatively few in number. But a few species do appear to prey on them, most notably large types of shark, including the Great White Shark. Finally, Orcas form its other main natural predator.

Species Sharing Its Range

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