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Buckskin Gulch

Buckskin Gulch
Source; Public Domain Image

Buckskin Gulch Facts

Source: Photo: Bureau of Land Management CCL:

Buckskin Gulch Physical Description

Most notably, perhaps, the breathtaking Buckskin Gulch measures more than 13 mi (21 km) in length.

The walls of this amazing site also consist primarily of sandstone, and the depth of the slot canyon varies with the terrain.

This depth ranges rather significantly, from 40-500 ft (10.1-152.4 m). Also, over the majority of its length, the canyon measures less than 10 ft (3 m) in width.

The temperatures also usually stay much cooler than the surrounding desert.  Lastly, even a few areas of quicksand exist within Buckskin Gulch.

Source: Photo: Bureau of Land Management CCL:

Buckskin Gulch Location and Hazards

Regrettably, however, for those who would enjoy its pristine beauty, Buckskin Gulch formed in a remote section of the state of Utah, in the United States

Though it is an incredibly beautiful sight, it can also be extraordinarily perilous. The pools of water can be deceptive and may appear shallow, but be more than 10 ft (3 m) deep.

The depth and convoluted nature of the passage also greatly affect the environmental conditions. Due to this, little direct sunlight reaches the canyon floor.

In addition, quicksand forms occasionally and does so in random locations. Also, flash floods continue to be a primary danger.

A rainstorm as far away as 50 mi (80 km) may send such floods careening through the canyon with virtually no warning.

In the confined spaces of Buckskin Gulch, these sudden floods may descend upon hikers with water as deep as 100 ft (30.5 m) in a matter of seconds.

Warning sirens have been erected along the length of the canyon to warn hikers of this potential danger. However, the flash floods form so quickly that there is often insufficient time for the hikers to exit the canyon.

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