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Bee Orchid

Bee Orchid, Ophrys apifera
Source: Public Domain Image

Bee Orchid Facts

Source: Photo: Bernard DUPONT CCL:

Bee Orchid Physical Description

Most notably, the best-known feature of the amazing Bee Orchid remains its unique appearance. That, obviously, is its extremely close resemblance to a bee, albeit a quite large one. It remains unknown if this serves some evolutionary purpose.

Further, the sincerely fabulous plant often grows as tall as 20 in (50 cm). In addition, it typically blooms from mid-April until July. The amazing plant also produces a copious quantity of beautiful blooms.

In addition, this number usually ranges from a total of 1-12 flowers. Such a wide range of potential blooms also sets it apart from some related species. Finally, these blooms often range in color from white to pink.

Source: Public Domain Image

Bee Orchid Distribution, Habitat, and Ecology

The fascinatingly evolved Bee Orchid also prefers a rather temperate climate. Additionally, the stunning species evolved as endemic to a wide range, extending through much of Europe.

Furthermore, the remarkable plant most commonly grows on semi-dry turf. That most often includes grasslands, on limestone, open areas of woodlands, or calcareous soils, in either dim or bright light.

This plant species appears to be quite widespread across both central and southern Europe. Yet, it also appears as well in both North Africa and the Middle East. It is unknown if this is its natural range, or if it has been spread through the actions of man.

Unlike most flowers, this flower actually grows throughout the winter. The orchid varieties found in the most northern distribution have adapted, however. These produce a scent that mimics the scent of female bees. This draws male bees in and provides pollination.

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