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Bald Uakari

Bald Uakari, Cacajao calvus
Source: Photo: Devon Vergiels CCL:

Bald Uakari Facts

Source: Photo: Evgenia Kononova Public Domain Image

Bald Uakari Physical Description

Regardless of its highly distinctive appearance, the Bald Uakari ranks as a rather small species of primate. Firstly, males average a head and body length measuring only 18 in (45.6 cm). Meanwhile, females only average a mere 17.3 in (44 cm). Thus, it exhibits a small degree of sexual dimorphism.

Additionally, maximum weights for both genders of the species also range between 6.1 – 7.6 lb (2.75 – 3.45 kg). Therefore, regardless of its otherwise remarkably impressive nature, the primate ranks as quite light for a simian.

In addition, t of this mammal generally displays as long and shaggy. It also usually ranges from white in color to red, and its head develops as bald. Its bright red face actually occurs as a result of the lack of skin pigments and the abundant capillaries that run under its facial tissue.

Source: Photo: Aaron Martin CCL:

Bald Uakari Distribution, Habitat, and Ecology

Unfortunately, all four subspecies of the impressive Bald Uakari share a dangerous factor. This is a highly restricted and rather specific habitat range. The species only inhabits seasonally flooded forests in the Amazon biome, in Peru and Brazil, in South America.

In addition, the vast majority of individuals inhabit the trees along the sides of rivers. The exact reason for this remains a mystery to researchers, however. Also, individuals spend the majority of their time in its arboreal habitat.

Meanwhile, a technically omnivorous, the fascinating primate primarily consumes a variety of fruits, seeds, and flowers. Therefore, only a mere 5% of its diet consists of meat. This dietary supplement most typically consists of various insects the individual consumes opportunistically.

Finally, the animal also generally travels in small groups, ranging from 5-30 individuals. However, such groups occasionally number as many as 100 animals. Each group travels within and protects its own small territorial range.

Species Sharing Its Range

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