Gooty Sapphire Tarantula Facts Firstly, the visually stunning Gooty Sapphire Tarantula forms a true gem among arachnids. Sadly, however, it also ranks as quite rare. Due to this fact, the IUCN lists the spider as Critically Endangered. Also, the unique common name partly derives from the area it inhabits. That’s because the name of the […]
Source: Mara Facts Firstly, the Mara represents a small genus within the cavy family. Currently, we know of only two separate species of this genus still existing. Also, these two related but distinct species have been given the common names of the Chacoan and the Patagonian maras. Genetically, this rather surprising genus also appears […]
Saiga Antelope
Saiga Antelope Facts The Saiga Antelope remains the most distinctive looking species of antelope in the world. This animal evolved a proboscis quite similar to that of a walrus. Sadly, it also holds the classification of Critically Endangered, according to the IUCN. This magnificent animal also once inhabited an enormous portion of the Eurasian steppe. […]
Nevin’s Barberry
Nevin’s Barberry Facts Related Articles Nevin’s Barberry Physical Description First of all, the Nevin’s Barberry forms a moderately large species of shrub. That’s because individual plants attain a size of as much as 13 ft (4 m) in height. Most specimens, however, do not quite attain that size in the wild. Further, the rather impressive […]
Harlequin Flower
Harlequin Flower Facts Related Species Harlequin Flower Physical Description The attention-grabbing Harlequin Flower quickly dazzles most of those individuals fortunate enough to encounter it. It does so, however, regardless of any imposing physical characteristics. That’s due to the fact that this intriguing flora represents a smaller member of its group. Nature, though, places no particular […]
Risso’s Dolphin
Risso’s Dolphin Facts Risso’s Dolphin serves as the common name for the rather adorable Grampus griseus. It’s not only pleasing to the eye, it also ranks among the largest of all known types of dolphin. However, and quite unfortunately, the animal has not been widely studied. This regrettable fact occurs due to its strong preference […]
Kelimutu Facts Related Articles Kelimutu Physical Description The mesmerizing beauty of Kelimutu isn’t its only respectable statistic. It also has some other characteristic worth admiring. For one, it also resides at an altitude of roughly 5,377 ft (1,639 m) above sea level. In addition, two of the calderas actually have a shared wall, while the […]
Stalk Eyed Fly
Stalk Eyed Fly Facts The Stalk Eyed Fly represents one of those insects that display a rather extreme difference between the genders. In their case, it’s because the eyestalks of the males have evolved as greatly elongated. By evolving such extended eye stalks, the species has also developed an extreme advantage over related species. As a […]
Tibetan Sand Fox
Tibetan Sand Fox Facts Related Articles Tibetan Sand Fox Physical Description The impressive Tibetan Sand Fox rarely fails to capture the attention and fascination of those fortunate enough to encounter one. Yet, the mammal typically does so due more to its appearance than sheer size. In terms of that trait, it represents an approximately medium-sized […]
Orca Facts The term of Orca names an unforgettable species of toothed whale that many refer to the species as killer whales. This breathtakingly beautiful, but deadly, marvel of Nature also forms the largest extant species of the oceanic dolphin family. The powerful creature thus remains regarded as an apex predator in every ocean, much […]